Masonic Education Videos!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

A Brother Asks... Why Allegory?


A Brother Asks: Why is Allegory used within Ritual?

My Response: It is used because it is the Primary Method used throughout history to convey Theological and Philosophical Principles and Concepts.  Such training is invaluable in laying a foundation for future studies of Ancient and Modern Theological and Philosophical Literature.
He Continues:  Why Train to Understand it?

My Response: It is the primary challenge and obstacle presented to and faced by anyone making effort to decode what has been encoded in languages long forgotten and things conveyed today that are masked, veiled, concealed and hidden.  Its use has side benefits and annoying side effects.

He Continues:  What are its side benefits?

My Response: It is an extremely effective method of cleverly masking, secretly veiling, carefully concealing and blatantly hiding valuable information in plain sight.

He Continues:  What is its annoying side effect?

My Response: Unskilled and ignorant individuals usually make more of it than it is ever meant to convey and use it as an excuse to:
  1. Create huge organizations of people who expend inordinate amounts of time, energy and other resources chasing mythical creatures for sacrifice,
  2. Build expensive imaginary cages that are believed to hold them temporarily once caught, and
  3. Create accurate historically veiled accounts of their imaginary exploits for posterity.

He Continues:  What makes Allegory fun?
My Response: Did you not read my last Response?

He Continues:  What makes Allegory interesting?
My Response: It invites curious minds to embrace contrasting information and to dig deeper to cultivate insights into things, issues and situations that require them to transcend what might appear contradictory at first.


Brother John S. Nagy