Sunday, June 16, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-16


-------------- SCRIPTS & SECRETS --------------   
Masonic Secrets are Never Found 
by Memorizing Freemasonic Scripts. 
They can only be Found 
by Training yourself 
to Follow their Direction. 
BUT, when you Do, 
you Find them All:
Yourself, the Universe, and The Word.
What secrets have you uncovered?
 -------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  
 -------------- CHARACTER --------------  
For Further Light:
-------------- HUMOR -------------- 

(Hat Tip to Bro. Jim Nagy!)
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

Question #31: Using a scale from one to ten 
with one representing low skill level 
and ten representing high skill level, 
 how would you rate your Grammar skills? 
(If less than ten, 
what's missing that prevents it from being a perfect ten?)
Question #32: Using a scale from one to ten 
with one representing low skill level 
and ten representing high skill level, 
how would you rate your Logic skills? 
(If less than ten, 
what's missing that prevents it from being a perfect ten?)
Question #33: Using a scale from one to ten 
with one representing low skill level 
and ten representing high skill level, 
how would you rate your Rhetoric skills? 
(If less than ten, 
what's missing that prevents it from being a perfect ten?)
  -------------- FOR YOUR PAINS... -------------- 
-------------- RESULTS --------------  

What you shall see 
when Educators are Titular Masters 
who Progress their Students 
upon Unsuitable Proficiency.
-------------- CHANGE --------------  
So, You Want to Change the Fraternity? 
That Ain't Gonna Happen 
Till You Change Yourself! 
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
-------------- MYTH --------------  

"With a truly tragic delusion,”
Carl Jung noted, 
“these theologians fail to see 
that it is not a matter of proving the existence of the light, 
but of blind people who do not know that their eyes could see. 
It is high time we realized 
that it is pointless to praise the light 
and preach it if nobody can see it. 
It is much more needful 
to teach people the art of seeing." 
 -------------- LESSONS... --------------  
Yup. I do this all the time. 
especially, when I am being directed 
by the Universe 
down paths that I had not planned. 
It occurs so often 
that I have trained myself to ask in those moments: 
what is the lesson in this?
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

 Myth Conveys 
Truth to those Schooled 
and Fantasy to those Unschooled.
For Further Light:
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!6:00
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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