Sunday, June 9, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-09


-------------- HUMOR --------------  
For Further Light:
Master's Word

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION--------------    
For Further Light:
-------------- CHARACTER --------------   

The faculty necessary to mature 
must come from within 
for any outside influence 
creates not what is required 
for maturation without it. 
-------------- IT"S ABOUT TIME -------------- 

Not Enough Time? Just Change Your Tool!
Try the New and Improved Twenty-Four Inch Gauge with 50% more!
 -------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

(Note: Those of you who have attended 
my Building Better Builders Workshops 
have seen this demonstrated.)
The Point within the Circle method of Trying a Square 
requires the Compasses and a Straight-edge. 
A Master can Render or Try a Square 
using nothing more than 
a Sheet of Paper and his Ordered Mind. 
No other Working Tool is required. 
That's the reason for studying Geometry. 
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  
 For Further Light:

-------------- TIME THROUGH... --------------  
First Time Through: Getting Acquainted
Second Time Through: Getting Familiar
Third Time Through: Getting Connections
Forth Time Through: Getting Patterns
Fifth Time Through: Getting Inter-Connections
Sixth Time Through: Getting Established
Seventh Time Through: Getting Entrenched
Eighth Time Through: Getting Rhythm
Ninth Time Through: Getting Harmony
Tenth Time Through: Getting Ownership
Eleventh Time Through: Getting Opportunity
Twelfth Time Through and Beyond: Giving

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
Being Well-Informed 
is not the Same as Being Smart, 
But it is a Truly Awesome Step 
in the Right Direction.
-------------- MYTH --------------  
“The first step to the knowledge 
of the wonder and mystery of life 
is the recognition of the monstrous nature 
of the earthly human realm as well as its glory, 
the realization that this is just how it is 
and that it cannot and will not be changed. 
Those who think they know how the universe 
could have been had they created it, 
without pain, 
without sorrow, 
without time, 
without death, 
are unfit for illumination.”
Joseph Campbell 

-------------- LOGIC --------------  
Applied Logic!
-------------- RUFFIAN --------------  
You may be a Ruffian if... cannot see through, 
and beyond 
that which conceals truths.
 -------------- CHALLENGE --------------  
Question #21: What are the universal characteristics of "Ruffians"?
Question #22: Why are Allegories used to teach and test Masons?
Question #23: How do Masons truly Raise themselves? 

-------------- STATE -------------- 

 Apprenticeship is not 
an Obligation that is Put Upon you. 
It is A State of Being 
that you Take Upon yourself, 
Willingly and without Reservation. 
-------------- APPRENTICE WORK -------------- 

Apprentice Work is Vastly Underrated, 
Rarely Undertaken and Sadly Underdone.
-------------- WE'VE ALL BEEN THERE! -------------- 

Been there, 
 done that, 
have a whole wall 
filled with 5 by 8 glossies...

(Hat Tip to Bro. Jeff A Baxter!)
 -------------- END --------------  

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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