Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-19


-------------- HUMOR --------------  
When you know it's time
 to change out your hearing aid batteries.
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

Question #40: 
What four Working Materials constitute Masonic Cement?

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

Lodges are like Colleges,
 and when you Attend Either to get a Degree, 
Rather than the Education that Each Affords you, 
you won't get True Value from Either.
-------------- WORTH READING --------------  
I can't stress more firmly how important 
understanding and practicing
the core concepts 
presented in this blog post 
are to the sanctity of fraternal bonds. 
When you get blocked
for calling someone out in public, 
try real hard to understand 
that you likely violated 
the very core of what you claim you hold sacred.

For Further Light:
 -------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

 A Freemasonic Focus will get you what you got now. 
But Focus on Masonry,
 and you'll Build a Better Future.
 For Further Light:

-------------- ACCEPTING DISTRACTIONS --------------  

-------------- PASSIONS... -------------- 
On Anger: 
Anger is an extremely useful emotion. It occurs when you perceive that you are “called to action to protect and cause change”. Protection and Change are different sides of the same coin and hence they are intimately entangled for in making effort to do one you must do the other to be effective. 
When you experience Anger, your Soul is telling you that you are Perceiving a situation where Protection and Change are Desired and potentially required for Protection and Change. When you try to ignore this emotion, and take no action to honor what your Soul is telling you, the very thing that it is telling you will gnaw at your insides until dealt with effectively (Remorse). 
The Mature action to take when experiencing this emotion is to ask yourself immediately when it first comes up “what it was that you were perceiving when it did”. When you examine the triggering situation, you'll see that the situation that you perceived required you “to Take Action to Protect and Cause Change”. It is NEVER a mistake “to take action to protect and cause change”. It is ALWAYS a mistake "to not take action and cause change" when situations demand this of you. The only caveat to this action is to make sure a Mature Action is Taken. That requires Assertive Civility in the face of possible Overwhelming Incivility or Unexpected Deviations from what you thought to be assured about your life. 
In the end, when you do take Mature actions you shall see that whatever you do, it truly was driven by that call by your Soul to deal effectively with the changes you perceive and the necessity to be engaged in life in a wholesome manner. One's Anger should NEVER be dismissed. It should be embraced, understood and acted upon, MATURELY! 
If you do not believe me, ask that Guy in his Father's House who overturned some tables. I'm sure He was justified in His actions.
(Inspired by: 
 -------------- CHARACTER --------------  

The Soul Becomes 
What It Seeks. 
-------------- MYTH --------------  
The Intersection 
of Spirit and Flesh 
is Soul.

  -------------- IMAGINARY RABBITS -------------- 

Due to Poor or No 
Preparatory Work, 
Far too many Brothers 
Chase Imaginary Rabbits
 into, and get lost within, 
Thick Forests of Ignorance.


For Further Light:
 -------------- FULL RESPONSIBILITY! --------------  

Builders are people who accept full responsibility 
for Maturing themselves. 
They don't believe and no longer accept 
that others shall do this Maturing for them in any way. 
They seek God's Guidance in this great and important undertaking 
and, through commitment and diligence,
 become Builders of themselves. 
Brotherly Love and Affection, 
including any points of Fellowship 
are merely symptoms of this acceptance and undertaking. 
You cannot reasonably expect these symptoms 
from anyone who has yet to Obligate themselves fully
 to this end and remain true to this Obligation.
-------------- AN INVITATION --------------  

This book Overtly presents an extremely plausible and well-supported theory as to:
1) what the Craft actually is,
2) how what it does came into being,
3) its true Purpose, and
4) how its Practice affects you personally.
But in reality, it is Covertly a Purposeful Allegory of your Human Conditioning that Explains in Clear Detail how every organization, institution, religion, society, and group you have ever joined Invites you to Participate. 
Don't read it unless you truly want to have your Hoodwink removed so that you can Properly Position yourself to Make the Most out of your Involvement, in life!
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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