Monday, October 31, 2022

Random Building Thoughts - 2022-10-31


-------------- POSTS --------------  

Aren't they AWESOME!

-------------- THE MASONIC PATH -------------- 
 -------------- REMEMBER --------------  

 When you show up 
for Grand Lodge Communications 
and see so many men dressed up 
like Masons and Knights, 
First Remember that it is Not Halloween 
and Secondly don't Hand out Trick or Treats.
Be Safe!
Keep the treats 
& candy at home!!!!
-------------- RHETORIC --------------  
To Poke Fun 
when the Irony 
is Still Hot.
Study your Rhetoric!
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
You can Boast all you want 
about with what you are associated, 
but until your Association 
actually makes you Better,
you're just a Boaster.
How are you better
by your association?  
-------------- MYTH --------------  
 "Mythologies present games to play: 
how to make believe you’re doing thus and so. 
Ultimately, through the game, 
you experience that positive thing 
which is the experience of being-in-being, 
of living meaningfully. 
That’s the first function of a mythology, 
to evoke in the individual 
a sense of grateful affirmative awe 
before the monstrous mystery that is existence."
– Joseph Campbell
Pathways to Bliss (p. 6 )

-------------- DELUSION--------------  

...and those liars 
who seek to rule!
 ...And the truth 
shall set you free...
-------------- SECRETS --------------  
For Further Light:
Know them?
-------------- GRAMMAR, LOGIC, RHETORIC --------------  
 -------------- KEEP CALM! --------------  
  -------------- GHOULS --------------  

Ghouls dig up long dead issues, 
drag them out of the grave 
and place them before you to feast upon 
while energetically urging you to do the same.

Know any?
(Happy Halloween!)
-------------- END -------------- 
 Be Well and Travel Light!

-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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Sunday, October 30, 2022

Random Building Thoughts - 2022-10-30


-------------- HUMOR --------------  

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

Never, ever assume that a man placing his hand upon a Bible 
is setting his Plumb. 
For that to occur,
 he must also place his eyes upon it, 
open his chest and willfully, deliberately and consciously 
engrave its contents upon his heart. 
His actions from that moment on 
reveal if his setting 
was successful, true and honest. 

 -------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

You're DDGM asked you to put a program on that will nurture Apprentices in life changing ways. You're tasked with teaching them the basics of divestiture.  

1) How do you go about drawing from them the similarities and differences between Superfluities and Vices while providing them every opportunity to teach you so that you have no doubt that they know about what they are talking?

2) How do you draw from them examples that fit their previous explanations and do so in such a way that they get motivated to divest any that they might have?
3) What program of divestment would they offer to you that guarantees the divestment that they desire to achieve?

For Further Light:

 -------------- SAD REALITY --------------  

In Freemasonry you can 
Speculate, Theorize and Philosophize 
all you want without ever 
Doing any of the Actual Work 
that Makes these Actions Worthwhile. 
Masonry such Unfounded Activities 
shall Bury you in your own Rubbish.
 -------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

Masonic Development 
Enables men to take 
the Cleverly Veiled Metaphorical Seeds 
of Theological & Philosophical Texts 
toward Fruition.
-------------- MONSTER LODGE --------------  

When the Best of Intentions 
Are Not Enough

(Okay! That's the last of the
Horrible Halloween month series! 
I promise!)
-------------- HEALTHY --------------  
Healthy Wombs Release 
What They have Matured 
and Hold Hostage 
That Which Refuses Maturity. 
Are You Free to Travel?
For More Light:
For Further Light: 
-------------- BUILD --------------  
-------------- MYTH --------------  
 “The idea of the supernatural as being something over and above the natural is a killing idea. In the Middle Ages this was the idea that finally turned that world into something like a wasteland, a land where people were living inauthentic lives, never doing a think they truly wanted to because the supernatural laws required them to live as directed by their clergy. In a wasteland, people are fulfilling purposes that are not properly theirs but have been put upon them as inescapable laws. This is a killer.... The spirit is really the bouquet of life. It is not something breathed into life, it comes out of life. This is one of the glorious things about the mother-goddess religions, where the world is the body of the Goddess, divine in itself, and divinity isn't something ruling over and above a fallen nature.... Our story of the fall in the Garden sees nature as corrupt; and that myth corrupts the whole world for us. Because nature is thought of as corrupt, every spontaneous act is sinful and must not be yielded to. You get a totally different civilization and a totally different way of living according to whether your myth presents nature as fallen or whether nature is in itself a manifestation of divinity, and the spirit is the revelation of the divinity that is inherent in nature.”
― Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth

-------------- SYMBOLIC --------------  

The problem with calling anything 
"Only" Symbolic 
is that most people who are untrained 
in Symbolic Understanding 
think that what is put forth 
as Symbolic doesn't occur
 -- they are woefully mistaken. 
Things are expressed Symbolically 
to indicate that real things do occur 
and that the Symbolic expression 
points to these realities. 
To think otherwise only reflects 
an undeveloped Understanding of Symbols, 
which shall soon enough be Understood 
when a Symbolic violation occurs 
that brings about a reality 
to which the Symbols warned. 
Especially when one comes to 
Understand "cause and effect" 
For Further Light:

-------------- ORDER --------------  
Bringing Order to Chaos 
since Time Immemorial!
-------------- RUFFIANS --------------  
 Hidden in Plain Sight...  
or It's a Hiram Life for Me!

This is a statement and question pair 
too often put forth by Brothers who refuse to do the Work: 
  • We're still looking for an explanation
    as to what you mean. 

  • Why aren't you giving us the answer
    we demand from you?
Here's were I usually reply:
"When you examine the flow of thought throughout the offered information, you're more likely to come to see a pattern within that flow that will make it clearer to you, as in: the explanation is 'already before you hidden in plain sight'.  You must seek it for it to become clear to you."

They'll respond Jubalonicly, "Coach, why don't you just TELL ME?!" or something to that effect.

I'll respond with something like, "I Can't, Won't, Shan't give you something that you must give and thus obtain yourself".

They'll retort that they don't want to be one of my disciples, they just want a straight answer and I'll reply "I've been straight with you all along.  You simply don't want to do the Work required to understand. You will not get it because you refuse to think it through. Which is the ONLY way you'll understand.

...and BTW - There's no need to attack me with lies. I don't have any disciples nor do I want them."

Ultimately we end in a stalemate or worse, they attack me personally, because they simple refuse to invest themselves in being any way other than their current state and want to be distracted from that by focusing upon me.

Does this sound even vaguely familiar to anyone else?

-------------- SEE BEYOND --------------  

-------------- RESPONSIBILITY --------------  

Yes, and it is the theme of my last book!

 -------------- NEW BOOK RELEASE! -------------- 


will be available sometime late next week.

PLEASE put your pre-orders in now if you would like to reserve a first edition copy for your collections.

You can pre-order it here:

Also, please share the link if you want to inform others of its availability.

Thank you in advance!


 -------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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