Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Random Building Thoughts - 2021-06-30

-------------- HUMOR --------------  

Already Available at a Lodge Near You.
Can You Handle The Light?

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
Masters see things 
plain as day 
while others less trained 
call these things "esoteric".  

-------------- TRADITION --------------  

-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

 Masonry is a Territory 
Where the Arts and Sciences 
of Making Good Men Better 
is Explored, Practiced and Perfected. 
Freemasonry Offers Territorial Maps.
 -------------- END --------------  

Yup! And some of those who cannot see 
that Beauty is clearly before them 
eventually kill it 
and Bury it in Rubbish.
-------------- LOST --------------   
What Some Men Reveal Themselves to be 
when they Proclaim that were Given 
"The Lost Word". 
Pray that they See the True Nature
 of their Folly.
-------------- GOALS --------------  
Are you goaling 
or just dreaming?
-------------- RECREATIONS --------------  

There shall arise from the dust of earth 
another you to whom God 
shall Breathe into the same thoughts and feelings 
that you experience in this lifetime. 
This has already occurred; 
the evidence is before you
 should you dare to see. 
Furthermore, this shall reoccur 
countless times into your futures 
as it has already occurred many times in your pasts. 
God's Universe recreates endlessly 
for your souls are immortal 
and require such recreation. 
What legacies were left for you by all your other yous? 
What legacy shall this you leave your future yous? 
Are you not the least bit interested in exploring 
and deploying your legacies?
-------------- MYTH --------------  

“When you realize that eternity
 is right here now, 
that it is within your possibility 
to experience the eternity of your own truth and being,
 then you grasp the following: 
That which you are was never born and will never die.”
Joseph Campbell,  
Thou Art That: Transforming Religious Metaphor

  -------------- WAYFARING -------------- 

There's no small coincidence a wayfaring man is part of ritual (at least in some parts of the USA)!
Wayfaring (verb)
1) To travel, especially by foot
2) Wayfaring - Traveling, especially moved purposefully by one's own physical, intellectual, emotional and/or spiritual efforts.
"A wayfarer is a traveler, especially one who travels on foot."
* [Root] O.E. wegfarende; see way + fare (v.).
* way (n.) O.E. weg "road, path, course of travel," from P.Gmc. *wegaz (cf. O.S., Du. weg, O.N. vegr, O.Fris. wei, O.H.G. weg, Ger. Weg, Goth. wigs "way"), from PIE *wegh- "to move" (see weigh).
* fare (n.) O.E. fær "journey, road, passage, expedition," strong neut. of faran "to journey"; merged with faru "journey, expedition, companions, baggage," strong fem. of faran. Original sense is obsolete, except in compounds (wayfarer, sea-faring, etc.) Meaning "food provided" is c.1200; that of "conveyance" appears in Scot. early 15c. and led to sense of "payment for passage" (1510s).
* fare (v.) O.E. faran "to journey, set forth, go, travel, wander, get on, undergo, make one's way," from P.Gmc. *faranan (cf. O.S., O.H.G., Goth. faran, O.N., O.Fris. fara, Du. varen, Ger. fahren), from PIE *por- "going, passage," from root *per- "to lead, pass over". Related: Fared; faring.

Wayfaring - To Journey/Travel a Road/Path/Passage/Course
Trivium - The three paths/ways
Quadrivium - The four paths/ways
Journeyman - A man who travels daily by his own efforts
<Yoda Voice>Um, Message is there?</Yoda Voice> 
-------------- TRAVELING EAST --------------  

A Brother Asks:  
As we start our day in the West, 
can you explain the significance 

-------------- RUFFIAN --------------  

 -------------- CHANGE --------------  

When you want Change, 
Make Sure you have a Clear Vision 
of What It Looks like or 
What you Support 
May not Support you!
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

A Brother Asks: Traveling East?


A Brother Asks: As we start our day in the West, can you explain the significance of Traveling East?
Coach: The significance (for me) is this, it represents a quest for Light, and it is not limited to gathering Information, for Knowledge is but Inventory only and not Power. 
Brother: That makes sense!
Coach: Thanks... Traveling East is Venturing Past the Gathered Light and into the realm of Masterful Application of that Light. When you do this, you have Arrived, and Actively Engage yourself in that End from the moment you do.
Brother: In reference to most of our studies are from men who have traveled, yet how many of us have truly passed into the realms of our Eastern Brothers?

Coach: That's the challenge faced by every aware Brother who takes on the metaphor of, "Travel," in his life. Does it mean only physical Travel? or does it mean to engage in Travel that Transcends the Physical, into the Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual realms as well. 
Brother: Meaning?
Coach: Meaning...
1) If it is the former, a Brother has yet to grasp what the metaphor directs him toward, which is a very firm way, "metaphoric understanding", as in, "beyond the Literal Interpretation of The Word".
2) If is it the latter, entire "non-physical" worlds open up for the Traveler for he ventures where few men can much less dare to.
Brother: Ah!
Coach: So
1) If you mean traveling to the physical lands of our Eastern Brothers, perhaps not many.
2) If you mean traveling into the actual thoughts, feelings and spirituality of our Eastern Brothers, probably as many.
3) If you mean traveling into the realm of those Brothers who have actually done both, most likely very few.
Brother:  Is there any other significance?

Coach: Sure...  it could simply mean that you're working toward becoming a lodge's Worshipful Master.
-- Coach John S Nagy 

Random Building Thoughts - 2021-06-29

-------------- FIGHT FOR IT!  --------------  

Should you want 
to Freely Express your Thoughts 
and Without Pushback from Others who Disagree, 
you must Fight for their Right
 to do the very Same.
-------------- WHACKING --------------  

Sound Advice to the New Initiate:
Don't go Whacking anything off 
until you have a Firm Grasp 
on Vices & Superfluities.
Know what you're Whacking at!
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
While a life of good work done
 in itself brings wages, 
the ultimate wage is to have lived 
a good life.

-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

All thoughts are Patterns. 
1) When these Patterns are Beneficially Constructive and Harmonious with Life, one Contributes and Obtains Value from Life.
2) When these Patterns are not, one Creates and Obtains Rubbish.
3) When one Increases the Frequency of either, one merely bring forth more of the same faster, when the cause and effect are linear and unconstrained. That's because Frequency has NOTHING to do with Pattern other than its repetition speed. 
There is almost always an upper limit to this beyond which diminished returns occur. The only improvement one can make to this Frequency is to find a Balance in what needs to occur and how fast one can and should make things so. 
When you Choose to Vibrate, make sure you Choose a Pattern that's Worthwhile to all Involved.
-------------- BE AWARE --------------  
 Proficiency has very little to do 
with the storage and retrieval of information. 
Any suitable container serves this purpose. 
For Proficiency to be beneficial, 
one must know what one has stored 
and have beneficial purpose in retrieving it. 
 Without Awareness of the Value of what is Contained within,
 Intended Light remains Locked Away.
-------------- RUFFIAN --------------   
-------------- CONTEXT! --------------   
If Freemasonry has Taught Me Anything 
about the Light To which it Alludes, 
It's "Context is Everything!"
(BTW - The two dotted squares are identical in color!)
-------------- CHOOSE! --------------  
Choose to be Happy; 
Choose the Meaning of your Life. 
Then BE that which you have Chosen 
and do so without Wavering!
  -------------- SEEK! -------------- 

 If you're searching for
that one person who will
change your life,
take a look in the mirror!

 Oh the hours 
I have spent 
reminding myself 
of these words.
-------------- STILL HOODWINKED? --------------  

When you don't get this simple understanding, 
you'll pursue Freemasonry hoodwinked. 
When you believe that your Brothers
 shall provide you all the Light that you need, 
then only study what you are handed. 
When you want more, 
use the materials that you are handed 
as a guide for further exploration. 
Keep in mind that Freemasonic Ritual 
(and all related Training) 
is only an Introduction to Masonry. 
It is not Masonry itself. 
For Further Light:
-------------- TAKE THEM! -------------- 
 Conversation does not Make 
you a Better Man. 
Worthwhile Discourse 
that Drives you toward 
taking Improving Actions does.
-------------- IS THIS YOU? --------------  

The Brother asked for an appropriate resource! 
He did not ask for advice as to what he should do! 
Were you Listening?
For Further Light:
-------------- MYTH --------------  
“The dark night of the soul
comes just before revelation.
When everything is lost,
and all seems darkness,
then comes the new life
and all that is needed.”

-- Joseph Campbell,
“A Joseph Campbell Companion:
Reflections on the Art of Living. p. 39

-------------- LOGIC --------------  

 A Gentle Reminder 
to Engage your Argument Training 
when Constructing your Arguments 
or Evaluating those of Others!
-------------- FALLACIES! --------------    
A Burden of Proof Fallacy aka Tu quoque (Appealing to Hypocrisy)
Idiots would be spotted, confronted and dispensed with appropriately!
FROM: Etymology. Kafka +‎ trap, 
coined as a noun kafkatrapping in 2010
 by Eric Raymond in reference to Franz Kafka's story 
The Trial (Der Proceß, published 1925), 
in which a man is accused of crimes 
that are never specified.
(Hat tip to Bros. Garry Paxinos & Nick Adair!!)
-------------- SCIENCE! --------------   

-------------- MUSIC! --------------  

FILED UNDER: When Grammar & Music Collide!

I'm planning to eat a plate of ♩♬♬ soon.

Guess what it is!

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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