Monday, June 28, 2021

Random Building Thoughts - 2021-06-28

-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

There's a compelling moment when an EA appears stunned by the penalty tendered during his Obligation. This moment of mixed shock and doubt comes across clearly in his manner as he enunciates this clear symbolic truth. 
Some Rituals include words of assurance that such actions are merely symbolic, leaving the candidate with the impression that the penalty shall never really be suffered. This simple Ritual addition acts as a dismissal in the mind and hearts of those who choose to accept it as such. This leaves far too many Brothers with the impression that a penalty's symbolic nature has no true bearing upon their life.
Little do they realize how it manifests through self-inflicted negligence on their part when putting forth any intent, word or action that lacks Integrity. 
It's most unfortunate that some truths must be experienced before accepted as real. It's also most unfortunate that the true reality often sinks in all too late. 
For Further Light:

-------------- HUMOR --------------  

Yup.... the rumors are true... 
Masonry has definitely got my goat.
For Further Light:

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

 -------------- THE SHOW --------------  
When those Running the Show 
Express Great Dissatisfaction with the Attendance 
and Request You Fill the Seats,
 its a good Indication the Show 
is not Enough to Do this on its Own.
Make sure there's substance 
behind the curtain, 
-------------- MASTERY --------------   
The meaning of "Mastery" 
was not degraded by a change to electric lights. 
It was degraded by arrogant Initiates 
who have never achieved Mastery 
and who ignorantly believed bringing new members into the organization 
and putting them through three Degrees 
was enough to label them "Masters".  
Every moment you devote to candidates 
should be with the focused intent 
and understanding 
that you're Building the next Generation 
of Masters!
-------------- RULE --------------  

When you carefully consider 
all the countless difficulties, challenges and problems 
all Lodges have keeping things going, 
you soon realize 
how ridiculous any claim
 that Freemasons rule the world actually is. 
Such Claims when taken seriously 
show more Arrogant Ignorance 
than actual Truth.
-------------- RUFFIAN --------------  

  -------------- CHOOSE WISELY! -------------- 

 -------------- <CHUCKLE> --------------  

Brother: What is the original name for the 47th problem of Euclid?
Coach: "The Cowan Separator"
Brother: Where did the term eavesdropper come from?
Coach: Clumsy eave handlers.
Brother: What is Geometry?
Coach: Man's attempt to understand, explain and use Structure and Pattern.
Brother: What angle is the compass set?
Coach: The setting depends upon your desired use.
Brother: What is the name of the screw in the Compasses?
Coach: "Merit"
Notable: The ability to render Music on paper.
Ionic: A Salty Pillar
Cowan: Short for "Cow-Handler".
Regularity: a sign of good health and suitable ruffiage.
Cable Tow - An unusual and rare foot condition.
Superfluities: Fluities endowed with special super powers.
-------------- MYTH --------------  

“Mythology is not a lie, 
mythology is poetry, 
it is metaphorical. 
It has been well said that mythology 
is the penultimate truth
--penultimate because the ultimate cannot be put into words. 
It is beyond words. 
Beyond images, 
beyond that bounding rim of the Buddhist Wheel of Becoming. 
Mythology pitches the mind 
beyond that rim, 
to what can be known 
but not told.”
Joseph Campbell, 
  The Power of Myth 
-------------- BECOME! --------------  

-------------- SEEK WISDOM --------------  

The Saddest Aspect of Lodge Life is, 
while Many Brothers Seek Its Light, 
Very Few Seek Its Wisdom.
-------------- DRAMA --------------  
When you Know what you're Doing, 
and What you're Doing Truly Supports 
what the Organization Actually Does, 
you have a Lot More Fun, 
and a Lot More Interest, 
and you do so without 
all the Unnecessary Drama.

For Further Light:

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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