Friday, June 25, 2021

A Brother Asks: Why differentiate Masonry & Freemasonry


A Brother Asks: Coach Nagy, could you please talk a little more about "Mason" as opposed to "Freemason?" I am aware that opinions vary, but YOURS carries some weight. Thank you in advance, WB!

Coach: Thanks for asking, my Brother! Admittedly, there are many times when the two words are used interchangeably by people inside and outside the Craft. And this is understandable. Many people who write about the two do not take time to examine them closely enough to understand there do exist differences.
Brother: Like?
Coach: When you examine what the two focus upon, you soon realize that the two focus on entirely different things. Understanding the differences is a step toward making better choices as to what you want to participate in when offered opportunities by the Craft.

Brother: For instance?
Coach: Freemasonry focuses upon the organization - its hierarchy, lore, history, biographies, rituals, etc. Every last thing it does has to do with its organization, its operation, function, maintenance, replication and membership. None of it focuses upon activities directly associated with making good men better.
And there are reasons for this! The organization is there to POINT THE WAY toward betterment; but it is NOT THE WAY itself.
Whereas Masonry focuses strictly upon the individual and all the activities he must engage in to improve himself as a male as he moves from youth to adulthood to age. In this respect, it is ALL ABOUT IMPROVING THE MAN. 
Freemasonry only points to these activities in its rituals. But it doesn't have any activities that support what its ritual espouses as necessary actions to bring about a better man. All that Freemasonry does is POINT the way to Masonry. It is likened to a MAP, showing the lay of the land one must travel to become better. But it is NOT the land itself.

Brother: Where can I read up on this further?
Coach: Here is some further Light for you to consider as you seek to better understand this important topic:
  1. Why the distinction?
  2. The differences.
  3. What to say to Candidates to help them better understand the differences.
  4. A Blunt Primer to help you understand contrasts between the two.
 BTW - The only time that I have ever witnessed the word "Masonic" being blatantly misused instead of the word "Freemason" is when lodges provide "Masonic Education" to its members.  Virtually 100% of the time when this occurs, what they offer is actually Freemasonic Education masquerading as Masonic education.  I have yet to see Masonic education being offered.
Enjoy the journey!

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