A Brother Asks: Could you give us some information on the place of the North in masonry?
Coach: Sure. It's claimed that, because King Solomon's temple was situated north of the Tropic of Cancer, no light rays were able to show through any opening on its north facing side. Due to this fact of nature, a tradition arose among many Jurisdictions that honors this location in its Lodge rooms as a "Place of Darkness" where no light
That's about all that is revealed directly through Freemasonic Symbolic Lodge Rituals and Lectures.*
Brother: Some lodges have a station in the North; some don't. Some past masters like sitting in that station. Like it's a place of honor.
Coach: There's typically a station or chair in the North in many Lodges. However, it is most atypical in many jurisdictions to have anyone sit in it, unless there is an actual shortage of chairs and the person sitting in it who is so well-liked that the usual tradition of it being kept vacant is overlooked - I have seen this quite a few times while traveling around the country visiting a wide verity of Lodges. In many jurisdictions it is frowned upon for anyone to sit in that chair if there are other chairs available. Yet, I have seen well-liked Brothers sit in the chair with a facetious grin while getting an affirming murmur from the other attending Brothers.
Brother: What is the North's proper role in a lodge?
Coach: To represent a "Place of Darkness."
That being said, that "Place of Darkness" is given a symbolic and honorable place within the Lodge room, It represents for all Brothers the symbolic places that they as Apprentices must go to Complete their Apprentice Work - not physically, but internally. They should know that when they do not travel there, and they do not seek and properly address what is in their dark places, it will be absolutely impossible for them to Complete their Apprentice Work.
Additional to this, It also represents the unknown and what we as Masons must willingly face who desire further Light in those places where it is most lacking.
And more especially when we KNOW a dark place exists that NEEDS a Light bearer!
* Esoteric related Light related to religious and mythological information on "North" can be found in numerous articles on this subject and within Bro. Mackey's Encyclopedia under "North."