Coach: Great question! I won't suggest anything; instead, I'll highly recommend the following:
Engage them in continuous discourse with Q&A related to what Ritual directs them toward, premised upon asking a simple question:
What Work must be done to make a good man a Better man, and what occurs for any man who leaves such improvement Work undone?
Brother: Thanks! Would you please offer some starter questions?
Coach: Sure! Here are some lead in questions based on some of the Working Tools and Lodge Furniture:
- CG - What is Divesting and how is it done? How will you go about this? what occurs when you don't do this Work??
- CG - What are Vs&Ss? How are they similar and different? How does divesting yourself of them impact your virtues? What impact do Vs&Ss currently have upon your life and the lives of others?
- TFIG - What is the foundation of Time Management? Why is this so important? What occurs when you don't manage your time well?
- TFIG - What must be done to manage your time wisely? How will you do this effectively and consistently? Who gets imparted negatively when you don't?
- J'sL - What is the basis of Virtue? What are the Cardinal and Theological Virtues? What plan must be executed to develop them within your life? What happens to weak men?
- VoSL - What most important to you? What must you do to honor it? How does it relate to the Plumb? What does the Plumb tell you?
- Cs - What is Circumscription and how does one go about Circumscribing? What specifically do you need to apply this toward and frequently? What occurs when you go uncircumscribed?
- Cs - What are the similarities and difference between Passions and Desires? Why is it important to know these? What occurs when you don't understand and properly direct your dominant Passions?
- Cs - What does Subdue mean? How do you benefit from it? What are some examples of subduing success? What are examples of unsubdued actions?
- VoSL - What does it mean to be true to one's Word? What occurs when you are not true to your Word?
I recommend though that you continually focus upon "what actions make good men better" and not issues that are already covered by the usual offered lodge education.
The Q&A could go on for months and, if taken seriously, even several years. The quality of the discourse and the men engaging in it would certainly improve over time, if they do their Work.
Good Luck and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy