Friday, February 17, 2023

A Brother Asks: God's Role in Freemasonry


Brother Asks: In your own words, what role does the Grand Architect of the Universe play in your understanding of Freemasonry?

Coach: That is a great question and is speaks to the core of Freemasonry. It all comes down to a belief in God.  There are at least 12 well-founded reasons as to why candidates and members must believe in God to both become Masons and continue to be a Masons.   

Without this specific belief, there is neither Freemasonry nor are there any Masons.

Here they are!

I. Our Ritual is NOT designed for non-believers

II. Our Ritual has 7 Premises that require a belief in God.

1. God Exists
2. God is Present
3. God Witnesses
4. God Intervenes
5. God Provides

6.  God Creates
7. God can & should be Trusted!

III. Masons pray to God during Lodge meetings & other Masonic related gatherings

IV. During Ritual it is implied that each Member is to Fulfill His Masonic Purpose

V. Masons believe that God communicates through His Great Books.

VI. To fulfill their Masonic Purpose Masons must learn to read these Great Books

VII. God is The Master Builder Whose Rules & Designs are conveyed through God’s Word.

VIII. The Word of God in both book forms is humanity’s Masonic Rule & Guide.

IX. The Word of God in both book forms is humanity’s Light

X. Any attempt to erect a spiritual building will be done in darkness, without God’s Light.

XI. Throughout Ritual are conditions that must occur and that one must be obligated to do that Require a belief in God.

XII. Without a belief in God, the very purpose of being a Mason cannot be served.


If you are interested in having this
as a live* presentation for your lodge,
going into great details related to both our ritual,
and our Masonic path,
then I have the PowerPoint already made up
and ready to go for a lodge presentation!

Let me know!

* yes, live, as in, me doing the presentation for your lodge, either in person or live through zoom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so true I'm a full time pastor for 38 years and my masonic journey walks hand in hand with my faith in the one and only living God - Elohim ... Father; Son and the Holy Spirit.