Friday, February 24, 2023

Random Building Thoughts - 2023-02-24

 -------------- THINK... -------------- 
Stop! Think about all the people in your life 
who made Significant Beneficial Differences for you
 and in ways that Overwhelmed you each time.
* How have you Continued that Tradition for others?
* What more can you Do to Further these ends?
 -------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  

For Further Light:
 -------------- CHANGE -------------- 

 What you get in Return 
for Paying More for Something 
than What Was Demanded of you 
to Obtain it.

What change do you have?
-------------- HUMOR --------------

   -------------- STABILITY? -------------- 
That Sinking Feeling you have 
is your Foundation Screaming at you. 
Perhaps you should have done 
your Apprentice Work 
before you Built your Dreams.
 -------------- TWISTED MEANNESS -------------- 

Sane men know there’s a clear and distinct difference 
between the terms, “not required” and “required not”. 
 The former conveys options available but not necessary; 
the later conveys restrictions that are not to be violated. 
 A man who thinks that they are the same, 
and reports this to others as if they are,
is a danger to both himself 
and those he makes effort to influence.  
What's more, 
they cannot be trusted to speak any truth,
for they deliberately, and with evil purpose, 
twist your words
to sway others in unbrotherly ways
toward unbrotherly ends.
 -------------- MYTH -------------- 
"In the Levant, 
the stress is always on obeying. 
The idea is that God has given a revelation
that is encompassed in a book, 
in a statement. 
This goes for Zoroastrianism, 
for Judaism, for Christianity, for Islam 
-- all of the religions out of the Near East. 
In each case there is a book, 
a revealed truth, 
and one doesn’t quibble with that. 
One finds out what it says, 
and one who does quibble with that
 is by definition an evil person, 
a person who has lost touch 
with the truth and is an outcast, 
a heretic. 
Whole races, whole worlds, can fall away."
-- Joseph Campbell, Myths of Light, p. 66
Yes... and if this continues 
his train of thought 
as to religions being myth,
what does this say?
 -------------- WISDOM -------------- 
We Must Be Mature Enough 
Not To Advance
 Immature Men Prematurely, 
And Loving Enough 
To Mature Them Advancingly.
 -------------- ...RELEARN -------------- 

— Alvin Toffler (b. 1928), 
American author, futurist and philosopher
 -------------- FOND MEMORIES -------------- 

 -------------- DAD JOKES -------------- 
  (Hat tip to my Brothers!)
 -------------- END --------------   

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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