Monday, February 27, 2023

A Brother Asks: Continuing Education

A Brother Asks: How does the idea of "continuing education" fit within the framework of Freemasonry?

Coach: The "idea" is clearly alluded to by the framework of the first three degrees.

However, the "practice" of continued education is clearly NOT supported by most all of the jurisdictional that I've encountered.

Brother: Please explain!

Coach: Sure.  Every jurisdiction provides "Freemasonic Education" under the guise of "Masonic Education". But the unfortunate truth is that this provided "education" is merely "training" that assures the organizational needs are met. Most all jurisdictional programs focus mostly upon officer training that has to do with running the organization, membership retention and member recruitment.

What's provided by these programs is not true education in that ...

  1. It does not prepare members to learn what it takes to make good men better (EA Work),
  2. It does not help members learn how to learn to make good men better (FC Work), or
  3. It does not engage members in actual learning & teaching that makes good men better (MM Work).

All this that I just listed is framed within the very first two degrees.

Brother: Would you please expand upon this? 

Coach: Okay.

  1. The first degree Work is framed to help bring order to the chaos of a male's heart. It is clearly framed to bring a male to emotional maturity.

  2. The second degree Work is framed to help bring order to the chaos of a male's thinking. It is clearly framed to bring a male to intellectual maturity.

Brother: That makes sense!

Coach: It does, but you have to step back and make effort to examine them to get any of this!

Brother: What about the third degree?  

Coach: Great question! When we add the third degree into this framework, the ball is dropped by Grand Lodges in total.

Brother: How so?

Coach: When the preparation Work that is framed by the first two degrees is done, a Master Mason is fully capable of continued learning. But this preparation Work must be done before hand.  In completing this Work, he can then literally engage in the erection of his spiritual building. That effort requires him to fully engage in taking the secrets of a Master Mason, that he obtained through the preparation Work, and pursuing what he can now further obtain.

Brother: What's that?

Coach: The Master's Word!  It is This, and only This that enables him to know God's Rules and Designs.

In this respect, the third degree Work is framed to help bring order to the chaos of a male's spirit. It is clearly framed to bring a male to spiritual maturity. 

But when he has not yet completed his temple, the Work of the first two degrees, he will forever be prevented from engaging in any true Master Mason Work.

All this educational activity is NOT supported by any Grand Lodge structure that I have encountered.

Brother: So, the "idea of continued education" is embedded into the first three degrees?

Coach:  YES!  It's literally the reason for them! But this idea is not supported by any program offered by any Grand Lodge that I've encountered, much less pursued by most of our members.

Brother: Imagine what would occur for the organization, it's members, and society as a whole if it was supported!

Coach: Indeed!

For Further Light:
Completing the Apprentice Work




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