Saturday, February 18, 2023

Random Building Thoughts - 2023-02-18


 -------------- SPEAK IT! -------------- 
If you're to be Damned, 
let it be for Speaking the Truth.
 -------------- MASONIC EDUCATION -------------- 
 -------------- YOUR OFFER? -------------- 

Does Your Organization Offer 
Fitness Programs That Build Better Men 
or Does it Focus Strictly Upon Running the Place, 
and Retaining and Recruiting Members? 
Why just the Latter?

For Further Light:
 -------------- OFFER MORE! -------------- 

 For Further Light:
-------------- HUMOR --------------

Treasurer's Reports
& Meeting Minutes
 -------------- PSA -------------- 
Take away an important lesson from Dismissive People: 
Accept them for whom they are 
and then Summarily Dismiss their further influence, 
for you shall be damned to continue listening 
to their further condemnations when you don't!
You're Welcome!
 -------------- WARNING! -------------- 

Too many members are paranoid about introducing 
anything that might be considered Innovative
and not enough are seeing, 
much less addressing, 
the leaky plumbing, the failed foundations,
 the faulty wiring, the vacant rooms 
and the silverfish-eaten Volumes of Light 
that are Rapidly Degrading 
upon our dust-laden Institutionalized Shelves. 
These members do not understand 
that the upkeep of their Lodges  
are much more important 
than the buildings that house them.
 -------------- RECEPTIVITY -------------- 
Leafless Trees
Gather No Benefit
from the Light Surrounding Them.
-------------- AGREED TO ACT -------------- 
When you Agree to Act 
in a Specific Way 
and You Don't, 
You Break Character. 
Stay In Character, 
All Ways!
 -------------- HUMOR TOO  -------------- 

Before you start swinging that common gavel 
ya might want to know what you should be swinging at. 
Otherwise ya might go whacking something off 
that ya gonna need later.
(with continual apologies to the Doctor!)
 -------------- IDIOMS -------------- 
Freemasons will hear the word "work" 
and understand it to be referring to
 the ritual of a jurisdiction 
and one's ability to perform it well enough
to be accepted as ritualists by other members.
Do you know the work well enough
to serve its purposes? 

How well has doing this work 
 served your ability to become better?
Masons will hear the word "Work" 
and understand it to be referring to 
the actions that the ritual of a jurisdiction points to 
that make good men better 
and their ability to perform those actions 
well enough to improve them as men.
Do you know the Work well enough
to serve its purposes?
How well has doing this Work 
 served your ability to become better?
 -------------- END -------------- 

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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