Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A Brother Asks... Freemasonry's Secrets?


A Brother Asks:  What's Freemasonry's Secret?

My Response: Gosh! Where do I start, there are so many!  NOT!!!!  BUT, every last one of those that could be considered a secret is actually a Road Map

Let's review some of those "secrets" here:
  • One Secret is that it provides Road Maps to Better Recognitions.
  • Another Secret is that it provides Road Maps to Better Understandings.
  • A Third Secret is that it provides Road Maps to Better Comprehensions.
  • A Fourth Secret is that it provides Road Maps to Better Skills.
  • A Fifth Secret is that it provides Road Maps to a Better Beings.
  • A Sixth Secret is that it provides Road Maps to Better Interactions.
  • A Seventh Secret is that it provides Road Maps to Better Relationships.
  • An Eighth Secret is that it provides Road Maps to a Better Lives.
  • A Ninth Secret is that it provides Road Maps for individuals to Carry within their Minds.
  • A Tenth Secret is that it provides Road Maps for individuals to Carry within their Hearts.
  • A Eleventh is so few who are offered these Road Maps actually Understand them.
  • A Twelfth is that even fewer who have these Road Maps actually Follow them.
These are but a few of the countless "Secrets"  of Freemasonry -- ROAD MAPS ALL!!!  Of course, when you want to know the Secrets of Masonry, follow Freemasonry's Road Maps and Travel the Terrain of Life.

An Important Understanding to Note:  Freemasonic secrets are not Masonic secrets and it's folly to think them the same. There are major differences. The former have very little to do with Masonry and everything to do with Recognizing who belongs to and with what Organization. The latter have everything to do with the Properly Prepared heart, mind and soul of a Builder. Members of the former are not necessarily Builders. Masons however recognize other Builders in the Light as well as in the Dark, and even when they are not a member of an Organization of Freemasons.

The Acid Tests to Determine a Freemasonic Secret or Masonic Secret are simple:
  • Freemasonic Secrets require little to no Transformational Preparation to receive and know; you merely receive them as a course of Craft Ritual Participation. When you know them, they shall Empower you to do nothing more than participate in Organizational Activities or to Recognize another member.  Likewise, Unaccompanied Travel, Work, Earn, Support and Contribution cannot occur at any level.  Knowing them binds you to those who provided them to you and you shall be restrained accordingly.  You are not Free as a result of having them.
  • Masonic Secrets remain unknown to all untrained hearts, minds and souls; no matter how you may try to convey them, they remain hidden from you and do so in plain sight.  When you know them, you are Empowered to Recognize, Understand and Work with God's Creations and receive Just Compensations.  Likewise, Unaccompanied Travel, Work, Compensation, Support and Contribution occurs and does so Masterfully. Knowing them frees you and you shall be unrestrained accordingly.   You are Free as a result of them having you.
Brother John S Nagy
PS - When you want to Recognize and Understand these Road Maps Better and then learn how to apply them in your live, check out some of these books when you can.

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