Saturday, June 10, 2017

A Future Brother Asks... Scams

A Membership Seeker Asks: How do I know I might be scammed by those who seek me to join?

My Response: You are likely to become a victim of a membership scam...
  1. If any member approaches you first to ask you to join. 
    • The exception is that some jurisdictions allow members to let a non-member know that they would make a good member, but they allow this to occur only once. 
  2. If any member tells you that they can make you a member. 
    • They cannot.  They can only provide you a petition.  It is up to the Lodge to make you a member and that is through a specific process.
  3. If any member approaches you and tells you that you'll make money or have greater influence by being a member. 
    • Legitimate Freemason costs you money to be a member; it will not make you any money or give you influence outside the organization.
  4. If any member asks you for money to help him in any way, and especially related to making you a member, other than suitable initiation fees.  (Check with the Grand Lodge office in your area to verify!)
    • Other than initiation fees, and dues to be paid once you are a member, no member should be asking you for any money.
  5. If any member abuses you verbally or physically as part of your interview process or your initiation.
    • Freemasonry is not about abuse in any way shape or form.
  6. If any member approaching you doesn't have legitimate connections to Grand Lodges that are Recognized by UGLE, GLS or GLI.
    • Unrecognized Lodges are not legitimate.  Stay away from them and their members.
  7. SPECIAL WARNING: If they mention "Illuminati" even once, RUN!  
    1. They are NOT legitimate.
    2. You are being SET UP for a scam.
    3. You will not come out of any exchange better off in any way.
    4. No matter what is offered to you, the price you pay will far out-weigh what you lose in the exchange.
There are other things to look for, but these are a few that should raise red flags. 

Good Luck!


Bro. John S Nagy

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