Okay, this one's for my Speculative Brothers and should be filed under: What most Speculative Masons should know that supports them in realizing what Freemasonry has to offer.
Brothers, please take note! This is the Progression that an Ashlar takes when being advanced in Operative Masonry with relevant linked information to assist you in understanding the basis for each step along the path.
I hope that you can make the metaphorical connections as to how this should be overlaid upon your Speculative Work.
1) Aggregate ->
Earth Bound Stone
2) Freestone ->
A piece of Superior/Excellent Aggregate that has been freed from its bound condition for the purposes of being Worked upon. (This is not just an freed stone!)
3) Bastard Ashlar ->
An unclaimed Hewn Freestone (as in: one that cannot Claim a Father) eventually used for the surface facade of buildings due to its thin nature (where one of its three dimensions is less than 2 inches in thickness.)
4) Rough Ashlar - >
A Claimed but unWorked Ashlar (as in: one that Claims a Father) where all of its three dimensions is greater than 2 inches in thickness.
5) Common Ashlar ->
A Worked Rough Ashlar that not quite Perfect
6) Perfect Ashlar ->
A Common Ashlar that has become Suitable for the Builder's Use (not to be confused with one of those imaginary Flawless Ashlars. It will likely have flaws chosen specifically by the Builder to add desired Characteristics to what He is Building, but shall contain no flaw that will weaken the Integrity of the overall Structure.
7) Raised Ashlar ->
A Perfected Ashlar that has been Raised
8) Positioned Ashlar ->
A Raised Ashlar Properly Placed
9) Cemented Ashlar ->
A Properly Placed Ashlar that helps make up a Unified Mass; a part of that House not made by Hand.
10) Perpend Ashlar ->
A Connecting Stone used to connect the inner and outer walls (a.k.a. Bond-Stone, Tie-Stone)
When you overlay this offered path upon the implied Speculative process, you get the following:
1) Aggregate ->
The Profane Masses
2) Freestone ->
A Potential Mason
3) Bastard Ashlar ->
A person with no potential as a legitimate member
4) Rough Ashlar - >
A Pre-mason or an Apprentice who has yet to begin his Work. Not to be confused with a Master Mason who claims to be an Apprentice and Rough Ashlar still.
5) Common Ashlar ->
An Apprentice who is Working upon his Ashlar but has yet to Perfect it.
6) Perfect Ashlar ->
An Apprentice that has completed his Apprentice Work and is now suitable for passing to the Fellow Craft Work.
7) Raised Ashlar ->
A Fellow Craft Mason who has completed his study of the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences.
8) Positioned Ashlar ->
A Raised Fellow Craft Masons who is Properly Placed within the House not made with hands that is the Fraternity.
9) Cemented Ashlar ->
A Master Mason who has become a part of the Fraternal mass and is now a full member of the Craft Lodge.
10) Perpend Ashlar ->
A Master Mason who has integrated into his life all the lessons he has been provided along the Masonic path and is who assists others to do the same.
-- Coach John S Nagy