Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Random Building Thoughts - 2021-03-09

-------------- HUMOR --------------

Alas, the Great Brotherly Divide!

  -------------- PSA --------------  

Brace Yourself!

  -------------- MYTH -------------- 

"One of the functions of mythology is to present an image of the cosmos in such a way that it becomes the carrier of this mystical realization, so that wherever you look it’s as though you are looking at an icon, a holy picture, and the walls of space and time open out into the deep dimension of mystery, which is a dimension within ourselves, as well as out there.
"This dimension can open through the science of today even more wonderfully than it opened through the science of the second millennium B.C.. There is absolutely no conflict between science and the religious mood or the mythological realization—but there is a conflict between the science of the twentieth century A.D. and the twentieth century B.C.. This is what we are getting in our religion, because the whole thing became petrified in the fourth century at the time of Theodosius when the authority of Byzantium came down with St. Augustine to establish the beliefs that had to be accepted. From this came the petrifaction in our tradition and the split between the scientific and the religious view."
Joseph Campbell, Goddesses: Mysteries of the Feminine Divine



 -------------- THREE CENTURIES -------------- 
 -------------- FIND IT! --------------  

 -------------- FOCUS! --------------

 -------------- BANTER... --------------

“Consequently he who wishes to attain to human perfection,
must therefore first study Logic,
next the various branches of Mathematics in their proper order,
then Physics,
and lastly Metaphysics.”

“He, however, who begins with Metaphysics,
will not only become confused in matters of religion,
but will fall into complete infidelity.”

 “Guide for the Perplexed”,
by Moses Maimonides 

  -------------- LOGIC DICTATES... -------------- 

 -------------- WHY! --------------

 (Hat tip to Brother Nick Adair!)

For Further Light:

 -------------- BEST THEORY YET! --------------

 For Further Light:
  -------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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