-------------- HUMOR --------------
A New Masonic Toe-Ken...
-------------- PSA --------------
PSA for the DAY:
(Freemasonic Definition) Conforming to a set of standards prescribed by a GL.
(Masonic Definition) What you become when you have a fiber rich diet.
(Freemasonic Definition)Not conforming to a set of standards prescribed by a GL.
(Masonic Definition) A person who suffers from sporadic stipation.
(Freemasonic Definition)Lodges not chartered by a GL. This includes any GL not chartered by another chartered GL.
(Masonic Definition) A secret organization kept secret from well-known secret organizations.
(Freemasonic Definition) When a GL accepts another GL as Regular.
(Masonic Definition) When you see someone you know and you let them know.
(Freemasonic Definition) When GLs permit visitation between themselves.
(Masonic Definition) Su casa es mi casa
(Freemasonic Definition) A non-member pretending to be a member.
(Masonic Definition) Anyone who doesn't square his work or build with brotherly love.
-------------- SPOT LIGHT 1 --------------
Holden v. Hardy
"a Progressive Science"
preparing to rule on this case, the Supreme Court realized that it was
dealing with a new situation. Usually, the Court tried to rely solely on
the Constitution when deciding a case. It also tried to guide itself by
"common law," the customs inherited from centuries of legal tradition
in England. In his majority opinion, Justice Brown explained that the
law was "a progressive science."
In other words, law was a discipline that changed with the times.
Brown wrote that "certain . . . classes of persons, particularly those
engaged in dangerous or unhealthful employments, have been found to be
in need of additional protection," protection that was not explicitly
provided by the Constitution.
asked whether miners and smelters were in need of additional
protection, Justice Brown answered in the affirmative. He pointed out
that the nature of mining and smelting had changed a great deal since
the Constitution was ratified, and that in the vast proportions which
these industries have since assumed, it has been found that they can no
longer be carried on with due regard to the safety and health of those
engaged in them, without special protection against the dangers
necessarily incident to these employments.
short, Justice Brown, speaking for the majority, affirmed that the Utah
law was valid and that Holden's prosecution under the law was
justified. The principle that the government could regulate the working
conditions of at least some workers had been established.
Law Library - American Law and Legal Information
Notable Trials and Court Cases - 1883 to 1917
Holden v. Hardy - Significance, Utah Limits The Miner's Workday,
"a Progressive Science", Miners And Bakers
-------------- SPOT LIGHT 2 --------------
Freemasonry is a progressive science...
science (noun)
1) the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
"the world of science and technology"
• a particular area of this.
• a systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject.
• [archaic] - knowledge of any kind
...where exactly are we supposed to have been told,
"Freemasonry is a progressive science,
taught by degrees"?
-------------- WELL? --------------
So, is Freemasonry a science or a pseudoscience?
insanity of focusing upon solving problems
that are symptoms is ever
Until Lodges begin to recreate Value for their members,
are going to continue to see dues issues plague them.
When they create
Value for their members,
Dues issues shall go away.
When they continue
to do what they have always done,
they'll have what they currently have.
Oversimplification perhaps,
but truly solving problems challenges you
to get to the cause!
-------------- WELL? --------------
When it comes to Light....
Are you a Sun or are you a Moon?
Are you a Sun or are you a Moon?
-------------- CHARACTER --------------
Worthy Aspirations Deserve Worthy Focused Efforts.
Strive to Do the Right Things, In the Right Ways,
For all the Right Reasons.
Strive to Do the Right Things, In the Right Ways,
For all the Right Reasons.
-------------- CREATING DRAMA! --------------
Creating Drama for nearly Three Centuries.
(among other things...)
(among other things...)
A Brother
who Sets Upon his
Unsettled Foundation and Works not
has Settled for what he Deserves.
-------------- SOLID! --------------
and further thinking is harder.
-------------- LEANINGS --------------
Lean away from
unknowing guard-dogs to idols of superficiality,
no matter how earnest their protective efforts.
All are in their own way
and exemplify
the Cowans and Ruffians
of the Craft.
Lean toward the truth,
and no matter what disturbing pabulum
well-intentioned Brothers may offer you.
--------------- EXPLAINING THE DEGREES --------------
------------- END --------------
Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)
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