Monday, April 11, 2022

Random Building Thoughts - 2022-04-11


-------------- DO THE WORK! -------------- 
Apprentice Work
When Done Transforms Boys to Men.  
When not Done, 
Promotes Boys to Cowans and Ruffians.
For Further Light:
-------------- WELL? --------------  

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
 The whole point in being around 
people who make you unhappy 
is to realize that 
they are not the cause 
of your unhappiness 
and to then change.
-------------- MYTH --------------  
"Whatever your fate is, 
whatever the hell happens, you say, 
“This is what I need." 
"It may look like a wreck, 
but go at it as though 
it were an opportunity, 
a challenge. 
"If you bring love to that moment
- not discouragement- 
you will find the strength there. 
Any disaster you can survive 
is an improvement in your character, 
your stature, and your life. 
"What a privilege! 
This is when the spontaneity of your own nature 
will have a chance to flow. 
Then, when looking back at your life, 
you will see that the moments 
which seemed to be great failures,
followed by wreckage, 
were the incidents that shaped the life you have now. 
You’ll see this is really true. 
"Nothing can happen to you that is not positive. 
Even though it looks and feels at the moment 
like a negative crisis, it is not. 
The crisis throws you back, 
and when you are required to exhibit strength,
 it comes."
-- Joseph Campbell
-------------- PERCEPTION --------------  

The Creeping Thickets of 
Threatening Innovation 
Shall Continuously Be Over-Shadowed 
By Much Needed Renovation.
-------------- MEMORIES! --------------  
WOW! 6 years ago!! 
Great Memories!
-------------- APRONS -------------- 

-------------- DO YOU KNOW? --------------  
When is a Substitute, 
Not Really a Substitute?
When you look deeply enough 
into that was handed to you, 
and you come to understand exactly 
what the word is, 
how it is pronounced, 
when and where it originated 
and for what reason it was and still is used, 
then you may realize that 
you have been misled 
by your own lack of initiative, 
and misplaced trust,
and that you have 
remained stuck 
by a pin put in place 
by your own complacency.
For Further Light:
Chapter 24 - Substituting the Substitute...

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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