Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Random Building Thoughts - 2022-05-17


-------------- HUMOR --------------  

-------------- SHADOWS --------------  

Shadows are from Blocked Light. 
They don't Reflect It.
 They simply let you Know That 
Something is Missing!

-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

A reason to get up and at it? You Bet!
-------------- TRIVIUM & QUADRIVIUM --------------  
 Without sufficient understanding 
and suitable application 
of the Trivium and Quadrivium, 
Zeno's philosophical writings 
will forever appear to be Paradoxical.
-------------- MYTH --------------  

"And where 
are you going to get
 these angels 
who are going 
to run society for us?"
-- Milton Friedman

-------------- TRAVELING MAN! --------------  

If you cannot 
Take it on the Road...
...What Good then 
is Wearing the Title 
"Traveling Man"?

Yes, what would be the point?

For Further Light:

-------------- GRASP! -------------- 

 Freemasonry is about your Grip;
Masonry is about your Grasp!

 -------------- CHARACTER --------------  

Just because someone won't talk about something, 
don't mean it's bad. 
It just means that you have not earned their trust. 
And just because you don't know something, 
doesn't make it a secret. 
It just means that you don't know enough.
-------------- KEEPING --------------  
"It's not about keeping SECRETS.  
  It's about KEEPING secrets."

-- Brother Kevin Schneider
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION -------------- 

 The Self-Practicing Freemason!

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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