Monday, December 25, 2023

Random Building Thoughts - 2022-12-25


-------------- THE WORD "FREEBORN" -------------- 

For Further Light:


 -------------- YAAARRRRR!!!!!!! --------------

 Aye! Me grogs been replaced wit eggnog,
ye sails be splattered with tinsel and lights,
a tree be in me captain's cabin
and me first mates wearing gift wrapping
and insisting to be unwrapped!

It must be Christmas!

-------------- BORN ANEW! --------------


And on the Third Day...

In ancient times, observers of the Skies saw clearly that the Sun was not Rising in the sky as high and as long as it did in previous days. The Shadows increased and Daylight diminished, almost appearing to Travel toward its grave. They knew too that at one point the Sun did eventually stop in its path and eventually climb higher into the Sky. The Keepers of Records knew from memory that this trend did reverse, but they were never sure if this would occur once again.

So each year, they measured the Shadows, noted when It appeared to stop and when the light appeared to be Born again. To assure the light was indeed Raising, they Grasped to measure the Shadows not once, not twice, but three times, noting each time if they were indeed shortening. And on the Third Day of Diminishing Shadows, they would proclaim to all that the Sun was most assuredly Reborn!

The next day they celebrated! What better Day to Celebrate another Son whose Arrival most assuredly Diminished the Shadows!

-------------- BEHOLD! --------------

"But when they heard from the King,
they went, and behold, that star
which they had seen in The East
went before them,
until it came
and stood over where
The Boy was."
-- Matthew 2:9

-------------- MERRY CHRISTMAS! --------------

-------------- HAPPY HOLIDAYS! --------------

May your Christmas Holiday Celebrations
be Unbelievably Super!

-------------- QUICK REVIEW --------------

The Craft Unmasked,
offers an insight into the 32 moralilty plays
that evolved into a very thought provoking fraternity. 
Suitable & Fair Warnings

It is highly recommended
that you read through the entire book
before you draw any rash, superficial
and wholly unsupported conclusions.

-- Bro. Albert McClelland,
More Light In Masonry,
June 20, 2015

-------------- DINNER MATH --------------

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!

-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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