Hello Fellow Travelers!

33 Questions for “Soon to Pass” Entered Apprentice Masons to Answer
(Based upon the book: Building Boaz – Uncommon Catechism for Uncommon Masonic Education – Volume 2 by Dr. John S. Nagy)
Before the Entered Apprentice Mason you are mentoring Passes to Fellow Craft, you might want to have them respond to these questions first. If you have Passed beyond Entered Apprentice, you might want to review them yourself to see if the mentoring you received was sufficient enough for you to answer them.
1) According to Ritual, what is the purpose to which Candidates Enter Masonry? (Chapter 6)
2) How has Masonry been defined in the past and what is the central theme of the Work of Entered Apprentice Masons? (Introduction, Chapters 1, 2, 12)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon the Entered Apprentice Work’s purpose.
3) To honor the purpose of Entry, what must Entered Apprentice Masons Work upon, what tasks must be completed and what results should be expected? (Introduction, Chapter 2)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon defining Masonry, understanding the Work they must do and what they are to accomplish.
4) What is an Oblong Square and how does it point to the Work of Entered Apprentice Masons? (Chapter 6)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon the object of the Work, the tasks and the outcome of that Work.
5) What side of the Oblong Square is shortest in the EA degree? (Chapter 6)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon symbols point toward the Work they must do and the meaning behind such symbols.
6) What was the name of the Mountain to which Masons must Build their Temples to the Lord, what does its name mean and what is its significance to Masonic Work? (Chapter 2)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon how symbols can be read.
7) Based upon the history of the Masonic Temple Mount, what does the checkered pavement represent? (Chapter 7)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon the symbol, the meaning behind it and upon what the Work is founded.
8) What are Vices and Superfluities? (Chapter 7)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon the connection between the Foundation and the Work to be done.
9) What is the common thread that both Vices and Superfluities have? (Chapter 7)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon understanding the significance of these two words in the Work they must do.
10) What is the main difference between a Vice and a Superfluity? (Chapter 7)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon what these two word have in common in helping them identify their significance in the Work they are to do.
11) How do Vices and Superfluities weaken Masons? (Chapter 7)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon what distinguishes one from another.
12) What are the names of the classical Vices? (Chapter 7)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon the impact of these two upon Masons.
13) How do the agricultural terms “Threshing” and “Winnowing” relate to the foundation of the Masonic Temple and the Work Entered Apprentice Masons must do? (Chapter 2)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon the classical Vices and their characteristics.
14) What four biblical characters had significant events occur for them upon the Mountain where our first Masonic Temple resided, what were these significant events and what is their relationship to our Masonic Work? (Chapter 2)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon the historic background of the Temple Mount location and its relevance to all Masonic Work.
15) How do the Square and Compasses relate to Heaven and Earth? (Chapter 8)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon significance events surrounding four Biblical Characters and these events relationship to Masonic Work,
16) How does Jacob’s dream relate to the Work that Masons must do to Strengthen themselves? (Chapters 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon a symbolic relationship that is significant to Masonic Work.
17) What Work do the rungs or steps of Jacob’s Ladder relate to within Ritual? (Chapter 8)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon how Jacob’s dream relates to Entered Apprentice Strengthening Work.
18) Whom do the Ladder’s two stingers relate to within Masonic Ritual? (Chapters 4, 8)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon the significance of these rungs or steps to Entered Apprentice Work.
19) What do the key and the five pedal rose signify to Masons? (Chapter 5)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon how these two stringers symbolically support their Work.
20) How do the Key and Rose relate to Masonic Obligation? (Chapter 5)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon their symbolic significance to the Work Entered Apprentices must do.
21) What benefits will be visited upon Masons when honoring what the key or rose represent? (Chapter 5)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon how these two symbols remind Masons of what actions they are obligated to honor.
22) When focused inward, what do the symbols of the key and rose ask Masons to seek? (Chapters 5, 11)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon the benefits they receive when they practice the discipline these two symbols represent.
23) What two phrases adorning the temple at Delphi best express the Work results of EA Masons? (Chapter 5, 11)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon the hidden responsibilities these two symbols require them to accept and complete.
24) What is the root of the word “Virtue” and how are Virtues spelled out in Entered Apprentice Ritual? (Chapters 6, 8, 9, 10)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon how ancient the messages are that they are required to understand and heed in their Work.
25) What are the names of the two groups of Virtues spoken of in Ritual? (Chapters 8, 9, 10)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon what Virtues represent and remembering and recalling what they are according to Ritual.
26) How do these two groups of Virtues differ from each other and what aspect of Masons do they support? (Chapter 4, 8)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon the two major groups these Virtues are divided into.
27) What does practicing any Virtue do for Masons? (Chapters 8, 9, 10)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon knowing how these two major groups differ from one another and what they Strengthen within the Masons who practice them.
28) What Fifth Perfect Point is implied by three Virtues, what are their common threads and how do these common threads help Masons determine if a Candidate should be let through the West Gate? (Chapter 10)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon what Virtues do for Masons who practice them.
29) What does the Thurnell represent for Entered Apprentice Masons and how does Broaching assist Entered Apprentice Masons in regard to the Work they must do? (Chapter 8)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon an implied Fifth Perfect Point, the three Virtues associated with it, the common threads these Virtues have and the significance these threads have in discerning acceptability of Candidates.
30) How is the flanked circle inculcated within Ritual? (Chapter 4)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon what the Thurnell represents in regard to the Work they need to do and how that Work can be assisted toward completion.
31) What Pillar signifies the end product of Entered Apprentice Masonic Work, whom does it represent, where is it symbolically inculcated within Ritual, how is it symbolically represented within the Lodge and where can it be found within the Volume of Sacred Law? (Chapter 4)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon taking the symbol, looking for how that symbol is acted out in Lodge and the meaning behind it.
32) What does a ball or globe signify when atop a Pillar? (Chapter 4)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon a symbol which represents the end result of Entered Apprentice Work.
33) What unique “Chamber,’ located outside the Lodge room, is widely used outside the United States of America but is not used in most Blue Lodge Masonry practiced within the United States and what Work does it emphasize. (Chapter 11)
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon symbolism that is not well known to modern day Masons.
- Intention: Focus Entered Apprentice Masons upon a tool that is used widely outside the United States in Entered Apprentice Rituals and its usefulness in the Work of all Masons.
Brother Coach N.
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