Saturday, February 20, 2016

A Brother Asks: How can I Spot Craft Ruffians?

A Brother Asks: Coach!  I'm a bit frustrated and hurting.  I'm not liking what I'm seeing in and getting from some of my brothers. Could you give me a quick guide?  How can I spot Craft Ruffians?

My Response: Let me respond by providing you a quick and easy to use list of behaviors you can use to assess your Brothers should you want to identify them as Ruffians.

The Short List* for "You might be dealing with a Ruffian when he…"
  1. You might be dealing with a Ruffian when he inaccurately and purposely misrepresents a Brother.
  2. You might be dealing with a Ruffian when he bears false witness and intentionally misquotes a Brother’s words so that they reflect poorly upon that Brother.
  3. You might be dealing with a Ruffian when he maligns, misrepresents or vilifies a Brother’s intentions.
  4. You might be dealing with a Ruffian when he indignantly condemns a Brother’s Work.
  5. You might be dealing with a Ruffian when he sabotages a Brother’s pursuits and endeavors and the support that others might provide him.
  6. You might be dealing with a Ruffian when he attacks, belittles and berates the institutions and faiths with which a Brother is associated.
  7. You might be dealing with a Ruffian when he dismisses a Brother’s education as being suspect and not what he would choose for himself.
  8. You might be dealing with a Ruffian when he misleads others about a Brother based upon his own conjectures.
  9. You might be dealing with a Ruffian when he silently and continuously endorses the assassination of a Brother’s character.
  10. You might be dealing with a Ruffian when he purposefully deals with a Brother indirectly, deceitfully so and with malicious intent masked in righteousness.
  11. You might be dealing with a Ruffian when he encourages and endorses social pressures intended to sway Brothers toward his will and pleasure by manipulating those who surround and influence his target.
  12. You might be dealing with a Ruffian when he assures Brothers, by what he says and through what he does, that he mean others harm and he does so beyond any shadow of a heartfelt doubt.

Brother John S Nagy

(*Based upon the Extensive Lists, Instructions and Works found within:
Building Ruffish - Uncommon Field Guide for Uncommon Masonic Education - Volume 6)


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