Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Brother Asks: Proscribing Religion & Politics

Brother: Why are religion and politics not permitted in Lodges?
Coach: Why do you think they’re proscribed?

Brother: It causes a giant chasm between Brothers.
Coach: So, division?

Brother: Yes, they’re divisive topics.
Coach: I'll have to respectfully disagree then.

Brother: Why's that?
Coach: My experience has been that mature, respectful and civil souls have no problem at all discussing such things.

Brother: Then what type of member does have a problem?
Coach: Immature, disrespectful and uncivil ones. They absolutely have a problem discussing these topics.

Brother: Why is this?
Coach: They have not done the Work that enables them to easily subdue their passions and to keep their desires within due bounds. They’ve not brought Order to the Chaos of their hearts or minds. These members are divided within themselves, literally severed in two or more directions. These inner divisions show up as discordant conversations with others when they begin talking. It’s quite disturbing to be involved with such souls, especially when they’re passions are flowing all over the place and impacting others.

Brother: Okay, I agree with all this. However, that implies the reason we don't talk religion or politics in Lodge is that we know there will be uncivil people there.
Coach: And your point is?

Brother: The purpose for not talking religion or politics is to maintain civility.
Coach: Can I offer another reason?

Brother: Please do.
Coach: The purpose for not talking religion or politics is that it reveals the symptoms of immaturity, disrespect and incivility in those who have not done the Work. The proscription is meant to mitigate Lodge situations where these characteristics are present in those who have yet to do the Work. And by virtue of having new members who have yet to do this very important and crucial Work, you will have these characteristics present.

Brother: In other words, the lodge is full of immature, disrespectful, and uncivil men?
Coach: No. The lodge, by virtue of bringing new members in, contains them; more in some than others. The proscription is there to assure that even when the Lodge has these elements, they are less likely to interfere with the work to be done.

Brother: Again, I agree.
Coach: Thanks! Why are you pursuing this line of thinking?

Brother: I'm noticing a ton of division in online discussions right now, even to the point of Brothers being called "unmasonic" for expressing their religious or political ideas.
Coach: And you'll notice the cause of all this behavior is not politics or religion begin discussed. The disharmony is caused by immaturity, disrespect and incivility. In other words, it is the “Ruffians” in the mix that cause the descent, not the Master Masons who have cultivated maturity, respect and civility for themselves and others.

Brother: Agreed. Ruffians love their opinions and love to attack those who don’t share them.
Coach: Ruffians by their very nature are undisciplined. They have not done the necessary Work to build their inner temples. As a result of this lack of cultivation, their performance suffers, especially when their passions and desires are involved. They have natural deficits in dealing with others. They are immature. They are disrespectful. They are uncivil.

Brother: This makes so much sense.
Coach: Thanks! So, you understand now why Lodges proscribe such conversations?

Brother: Yes. It allows Brothers to interact on topics that are less likely to have their uncircumscribed desires and unsubdued passions interfere.
Coach: Exactly! The rule helps them work upon conversations that have less complicated issues and focus with the hope they will take the skills they need to develop and hone in Lodge out into the world.

Brother: And when they don’t take the time to do this import and crucial Work?
Coach: You end up blocking them within your on line activities.

Brother: Why?
Coach: Because they’re so immature, disrespectful and uncivil that they'll mess up, redirect and ultimately hijack for their purposes any worthwhile thread that you make effort to create.  That's how damaging their internal baggage actually is to others when they have yet to subdue and circumscribe it.

Brother: Ah!  Back to doing the internal Work.
Coach: Mastery starts there my Brother.  Without it, nothing you say can be taken seriously.

Brother: And if your word cannot be trusted, it might as well be taken out and disposed of.
Coach: Yep.  Without the proper circumscription and subduing, your word are going to cause more harm than good, especially when your desires and passions are fully engaged.  

Brother: Hence the proscription.
Coach: Indeed!




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