Sunday, December 13, 2020

Random Building Thoughts - 2020-12-13


-------------- HUMOR --------------

-------------- INDOCTRINATION --------------

-------------- Inner Guards --------------

"On an increasingly frequent basis I find myself painfully aggrieved by seeing,
hither-and-thither, walking testaments to the abject failure
of several investigating committees."
-- Bro. Anthony Mongelli

-------------- PLUG --------------

 <snicker> Are you a Ridin' Man?
The Craft UNMASKED! Enjoy the Ride!
Found Here:

-------------- VEILS --------------

-------------- M-E-T-A-P-H-O-R!--------------

-------------- WORD ROOTS --------------

Manage (v.) -- 1560s, probably from It. maneggiare "to handle,"
especially "to control a horse," ultimately from Latin noun manus
"hand" (see manual (adj.)). Influenced by Fr. manège
"horsemanship" (earliest English sense was of handling horses),
which also was from Italian. Extended to other objects or
business from 1570s.




-------------- TRUE PRACTICE --------------

Horses go where the Water is.
No Water, No Horses. 

Masons go where Building is needed.
No Building. No Masons

"A friend once described the danger, in masonic practice, of what he called ‘displacement activity’, that is, engaging in activities that divert us from the true aim. Concentrating on the appearance of masonic practice – rank, precedence, minor detail, hierarchy and structure – may cause us to lose sight of what real Freemasonry is, what Freemasonry can do, what it surely must do in each one of us, in order to be effective. Some will say that this is too serious, that it takes the fun out of Freemasonry, but I promise you, the rewards are immense, and they ensure that we will never again need any constructs in our lives. It can ensure that, in amongst the wood, we will begin to see real trees, and chart our progress by the way we interpret each one of them.

"We should not be fooled. We should mind the gap, stop it becoming wider, try to bridge it, to give our Craft a greater sense of its true aim, and through that to find our own path to Truth."
--W. Bro. Julian Rees is a PM of Kirby Lodge No. 2818, London
Past Junior Grand Deacon, United Grand Lodge of England

-------------- GENTLE REMINDER --------------

♫ When you're happy or unhappy ♫ you're the cause <clap clap> ♫
♫ When you're happy or unhappy ♫ you're the cause <clap clap> ♫
♫ When you're happy or unhappy ♫ and you really want to own it ♫
♫ When you're happy or unhappy ♫ you're the cause <clap clap> ♫

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!

-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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