Saturday, November 6, 2021

Random Building Thoughts - 2021-11-06

 -------------- HUMOR --------------  
-------------- WORKING TOOLS --------------  
It's Truly Sad that
so many Brothers don't Realize that 
Working Tools are Internally Developed 
and only Become an External Reality 
once Made Inside.
What Working Tools
have you Internalized?

-------------- SEEK --------------    

Seek to Provide Suitable Light 
to Illuminate the Darkest Recesses of Your Life; 
not what is already Lit.
How to you Illiminate
your Darkness? 
-------------- COLD DEAD HANDS --------------

You'll get my Ritual 
when you Pry it from 
my Cold Dead Hands.
How free are you 
in sharing your Ritual? 
  -------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

You are tasked to explain "Good" & "Evil", without using any religious references, to the incoming Candidates. You are not told why but agree to taking upon the task and delivering Masterfully what is requested.
1) Define each separately, using no religious references.
2) Explain the basis upon which each is founded, 
giving examples that support your explanations; 
once again, without religious overtones.
3) Explain how something that is "not good" 
is not necessarily "evil" and how something "not evil"
is not necessarily "good". Provide rock solid examples for each.
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

 When you don't Climb the Entire Flight, 
You don't Raise Your Mastery! 
How high have you Climbed?
-------------- SUCCESS -------------

If you don't Realize that 
Working Tools are Not Made by Hand, 
you're not going to have any Success 
Building that House of yours.
What progress have you made\
in completing your Spiritual Building? 
-------------- CONTEMPLATE --------------  

Freemasonry has driven many a man 
who would have otherwise sat idle 
to Contemplate Mysteries 
he would have sooner Scoffed off 
by lesser Temptations.
What have you been Driven
to Contemplate?  
-------------- CHIP PROGRAM --------------  
This is Our 
Original Chip Program.
What Program
are you follwoing?

-------------- MYTH -------------
is an unfinished comedy.”
Joseph Campbell,  
The Hero With a Thousand Faces 
-------------- BANAL PLAINS --------------  

Those who cannot successfully navigate 
between the sharp cliffs of discriminative literalities 
and the deep chasms of figurative liberalities 
are relegated to wander the banal plains of the clueless.  
How well have you Navigated?

-------------- NURTURE THEM! --------------  

Just a few odd thoughts offered to chew upon:
1) Don't curse and condemn Traveling men
for not coming back home
when you open that door to have them do
exactly what they were Raised to do -- TRAVEL!
2) Don't encourage attending Brothers to ask others back
to something that doesn't nurture them;
you're not going to see anyone come back
to be unnurtured further.
3) Don't beg those who don't attend
to come back to something
that sucks the life out of them;
 they shall avoid you like the plague
in all future efforts.
4) Don't permit any visitors,
no matter what their station,
to pontificate to your members
about how important it is to contact non-attending members.
They've heard this countless times
and it's truly a waste of their time;
it also insults them and it abuses them.
5) When you want Raised Brothers to come back home,
Raise them so they can leave,
but continue to nurture them so they want more. 
What does your Lodgedo
to Nurture it's Members? 
-------------- WELL? --------------  

Does Masonic Malnutrition Handicap our Fraternity?
1) Males must cut teeth to chew on life.
2) Teeth only form through proper nourishment;
and just like Chalk, Calcium is involved.
3) Calcium must come to males early on, if they are develop properly!
4) Males who need to suckle can't cut teeth when fed only steak.
5) Males who don't suckled don't develop teeth to chew anything.
6) Males who refuse to suckle condemn themselves to gum what life feeds them.
How many Brothers do you know who can and do fully chew on what is given them?
-------------- GETTING REAL! --------------  
 The Major Troubles 
That The Craft have 
are from the Problems that they Refuse to Face. 
The Challenge They Face Currently 
is Getting Real 
& Getting Honest 
about What They Truly Do.
How real has your Lodge gotten?
-------------- HECATOMB --------------  

  • Have you ever researched what a hecatomb was and is?  
  • Have you ever considered how it applies to our Masonic gatherings?
  • Have you ever gleaned what you might be missing?
The Light on our Hecatomb is already 
cued up for your consideration!  (TIME: 5:34)
When was the last time
you were offered a Hecatomb? 

Enjoy!  (And PLEASE Subscribe!)

 -------------- BOOK #16 NOW RELEASED! -------------- 

MY 16th BOOK 

will be available sometime late this week.

PLEASE put your pre-orders in now 
if you would like to reserve a first edition copy
 for your collections.

You can pre-order it here:

Also, please share the link 
if you want to inform others
of its availability.

Thank you in advance!

Coach Nagy
Are you all caught up 
on your reading?
 -------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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