Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Random Building Thoughts - 2021-11-03

-------------- HUMOR --------------  
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

Passions Unguided
And Desires Unchecked
Bring Woeful Resentments
From Lives They Have Wrecked
For Further Light:

 -------------- CHALLENGE --------------  
To Experience Any Ritual 
Uninformed as to the Significance 
of the Words and Symbols contained therein
 is likened to going to 
a subtitled foreign language film 
blind folded.
 -------------- CHALLENGE --------------    

 is not a Blessing One Receives 
Without Struggle. 
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  
Without Nurturing Maturity, 
all that you Truly Have 
is a Nut 
with Nothing More 
than Unrealized Potential.
-------------- FALLOW ABYSS --------------  
 It never ceases to amaze me 
how Masterful Freemasonic Ritual is
 at planting Seeds of Insight within those 
whose Soils are ready to receive them.  
It frustrated me though to see 
how many precious seeds go uncultivated 
by minds and hearts yearning to grow 
but who remain untilled 
by modern Freemasonic methods of sharing Light.  
It's very disheartening to see entire generations 
go to barren graves 
never knowing the Masonic Light that is right there before them.  
I sadly accept it however.  
There exist those who have chosen to go
 into that dark fallow abyss 
because they refuse to Seek Light 
beyond what they are taught.  
They have not chosen wisely 
and their crops yield nothing but chaff. 
For others, 
these Tillers of Mankind, 
their contributions continue to feed Generation of Men 
long after their spades initially broke new grounds 
by their efforts.  
Their harvest continue to grow 
with every new acre
 tilled by those who follow their efforts.
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
Perfect only means "flawless" 
to men who know no better. 
Perfection means "mature, complete, suitable" 
to men who have taken the time 
to better know. 
For Further Light:
 -------------- SEEK IT! --------------  
Seek Enlightenment 
-------------- MYTH --------------  

“Poets are simply those 
who have made a profession and a lifestyle 
of being in touch with their bliss.”
Joseph Campbell,  
The Power of Myth 

 -------------- SEEK MEANING --------------  
is more Meaningful 
to those who Seek it 
when they Earn the Rite Initially. 
Those Who are Provided it 
without this Condition 
shall Never place upon it its True Worth.
-------------- DON'T BE A WIMP! --------------  

Diary of a Wimpy Mason
Oh the tales to tell!
-------------- THE ACID TEST --------------  
When you want to know if you have found The Lost Master's Word, use what you believe you have found to:
1) Travel Masterfully,
2) Work Masterfully,
3) Earn Masterfully,
4) Support Masterfully,
5) Contribute Masterfully,
6) And do all this all WITHOUT the assistance of others!
When you CONSISTENTLY succeed Masterfully, you found it. When you don't, you didn't.

-------------- BOOK REVIEW --------------  

 "This book is filled with discussions that I and others have had 
with Brother Nagy over the years. 
We've all benefited from their 
straightforward insights and thoughtful "Light". 
The questions posed within each 
have never been thought to be asked 
by many Freemasons. 
For those of you who are Masons though 
and who have already raised these very questions repeatedly, 
only to receive unbelievably unsatisfactory answers, 
you will find delightful satisfaction in your reading.
I highly recommend using the materials in this book 
for education programs in your Lodge. 
Additionally, I recommend you either buy two copies 
or make sure that the Brothers you perform 
these discourses in lodge with purchase their own copies 
so that you can all perform them effortlessly and accurately."
-- Bro. RJ Gleason
(Order here:  
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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