Saturday, March 11, 2023

A Brother Asks: Have You been Transformed by Your Masonic Journey Experience?


A Brother Asks: Have you experienced any transformation in your Masonic Journey?

Coach: I have absolutely transformed as a result of doing the Masonic Work pointed out by the first two Freemasonic Degrees!

Brother: What did that Masonic Journey look like for you?

Coach: The EA Degree pointed out and affirmed specific Work that I already did over a 7 year period of my pre-Freemasonic life where I worked upon myself.

Brother: What was that work that you did?

Coach: Here is some of the Work that I did during that time:

1) Getting my priorities right, (Plumb, VoSL)
2) Learning how to say "no" appropriately, (Cable Tow)
3) Established standards for myself (Plumb)
4) Establishing boundaries for others, (Compasses)

5) Investing in building inner strengths, (Square of Virtue)
6) Removing distractions, unnecessary, unrewarding things, thoughts, pursuits, activities, & people from my life, (Common Gavel)
7) Expressing my emotions appropriately, (Compasses)

8) Obligating myself to be a better man, (The Flanked Circumpunct)
9) Scheduling and using my available time for life enriching and sustaining activities, and (24 Inch Gauge, Trestle-board, Pencil)
10) Being fair to myself and others (Level)

Among many other things!  I hope you realize these are all Work activities pointed out by the First Degree Ritual.

Brother: I do! What was the result of your doing all of this work?

Coach: I had transformed my heart and brought order to its chaos.

Brother:  Was there more work that you did to transform?

Coach: Yes. The FC Degree pointed out and affirmed the Work that I did over a decade of my prior pre-Freemasonic life where I Worked upon myself to earn two college degrees that required me to know the 7 liberal arts & sciences well-enough to make a living masterfully.  It was encouraging to know that I had already learned what this Degree said that I should learn.

Brother: What was the result?

Coach: I had transformed my mind and brought order to its chaos.

Brother: What else?

Coach: I also learned how to read God’s Great Books.

Brother: What are they?

Coach: Scripture, which is God's revealed Word & Nature, which is God's Word made real.

Brother: How?

Coach: By learning the Trivium and Quadrivium.

Brother: Was there anything else about your Masonic Journey that you want to share?

Coach: Yes! The MM Degree was greatly affirming as well.

Brother: How so?

Coach:  It pointed out to me that I had done the Work of the previous two degrees well-enough to realize the entire 3rd Degree Drama was both a test to see if I had done the Masonic Work pointed toward by the first two degrees and a wonderful celebration of the fact that I had actually done it!

It also showed me that I had already completed my temple and had already erected a basic spiritual building which I am continuing to expand upon it daily!

All this occurred because Freemasonic Ritual showed me that I had already done the Masonic Work pointed out by Ritual prior to joining Freemasonry!

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