Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Random Building Thoughts - 2023-05-10


 -------------- MIND QUARRIES --------------  
If you Wait to be Handed 
The Kind of Light you Truly Need, 
You'd be Dead on the Sidelines, 
Rather than Live and Thrive 
In the Quarries of your Mind.  
Seek the Light!
 -------------- RITUAL EDUCATION -------------- 

-------------- TIME --------------  

"Know the true value of time;
 snatch, seize and enjoy every moment of it.
No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination;
never put off till tomorrow what can be done today."

-- Lord Chesterfield
(Hat Tip to Bro. Mike Moore!)
-------------- SHADOW DANCING --------------  

Masonic Light Makes Possible 
the Shadows that Dance upon Freemasonic Walls. 
Masons Seek to Know this Light 
and What Causes the Shadows.
Seek It! 
-------------- BLUEPRINTS... --------------  

Masonry is about Building Builders.
 Freemasonry provides the Blueprints for this end 
with the caveat that Blueprints 
do more harm than good when 
ignored, misapplied or misused. 
Learn to Read them!
and then use them!
-------------- ROOTS --------------  
[Origin] regular (adj.) late 14c., from Old French reguler "ecclesiastical" (Modern French rĂ©gulier), from Late Latin regularis "containing rules for guidance," from Latin regula "rule," from PIE *reg- "move in a straight line" (see regal). Earliest sense was of religious orders (the opposite of secular). Extended from late 16c. to shapes, etc., that followed predictable or uniform patterns; sense of "normal" is from 1630s; meaning "real, genuine" is from 1821. Old English borrowed Latin regula and nativized it as regol "rule, regulation, canon, law, standard, pattern;" hence regolsticca "ruler" (instrument); regollic (adj.) "canonical, 
regular."regular (n.) c. 1400, "member of a religious order," from regular (adj.). Sense of "soldier of a standing army" is from 1756. Meaning "regular customer" is from 1852; meaning "leaded gasoline" is from 1978.
reg·u·lar (adjective)
1. arranged in or constituting a constant or definite pattern, especially with the same space between individual instances. [synonyms: methodical, systematic, structured, (well) ordered, (well) organized, orderly, efficient] [antonyms: haphazard]
• happening in such a pattern with the same time between individual instances; recurring at short uniform intervals. [synonyms: uniform, even, consistent, constant, unchanging, unvarying, fixed]
• rhythmic, steady, even, uniform, constant, unchanging, unvarying [antonyms: erratic, unsteady]
• (of a structure or arrangement) arranged in or constituting a symmetrical or harmonious pattern.
2. done or happening frequently. [synonyms: frequent, repeated, continual, recurrent, periodic, constant, perpetual, numerous] [antonyms: occasional]
• (of a person) doing the same thing or going to the same place frequently or at uniform intervals.
3. conforming to or governed by an accepted standard of procedure or convention. [synonyms: established, conventional, orthodox, proper, official, approved, bona fide, standard, usual, traditional, well established, tried and tested] [antonyms: experimental]
• of or belonging to the permanent professional armed forces of a country.
• (of a person) properly trained or qualified and pursuing a full-time occupation.
• [Christian Church] -- subject to or bound by religious rule; belonging to a religious or monastic order.
• informal -- rightly so called; complete; absolute (used for emphasis).
4. used, done, or happening on a habitual basis; usual; customary. [synonyms: usual, normal, customary, habitual, routine, typical, accustomed, established] [antonyms: unusual]
• [North American] -- of a normal or ordinary kind; not special.
• (chiefly in commercial use) denoting merchandise, especially food or clothing, of average, medium, or standard size.
• [North American] -- (of a person) not pretentious or arrogant; ordinary and friendly.
• (in surfing and other board sports) with the left leg in front of the right on the board.
5. [Grammar] -- (of a word) following the normal pattern of inflection.
6. [Geometry] -- (of a figure) having all sides and all angles equal.
• (of a solid) bounded by a number of equal figures.
7. [Botany] -- (of a flower) having radial symmetry.
reg·u·lar (noun)
1. a regular customer or member, for example of a bar, store, or team.
• a regular member of the armed forces.
• a member of a political party who is faithful to that party.
• [Christian Church] -- one of the regular clergy.
-------------- MYTH --------------  
"It is important to know 
how old you are in spiritual development, 
where you are on this path. 
The function of initiations 
is to commit one’s whole psychological pitch 
to the requirements of 
a particular stage in life. 
The big initiation
 is when one has to leave 
the psychology of childhood behind: 
the death of the infantile ego, 
which is dependent and obedient,
 and the birth of the self-reliant adult 
\participating in the society."
– Joseph Campbell,
A Joseph Campbell Companion, p. 84
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

<sigh> You tell 'em Brother Jerry!
-------------- THE SHAME -------------- 
It is a terrible shame 
that the word "Master" 
has not the same significance 
within the Fraternity 
that is does within the Craft.  
Know what Master actually is!
Become that Master! 
To comprehend the Craft, 
you must understand its multiple meanings. 
How many meanings 
does the word "Craft" have for you?
-------------- BEAUTY --------------  

When Cunning Craftsmanship 
leaves a Temple, 
Mastery has too.
Make sure Master 
LIVES in your Temple!   
 -------------- RUBBISH --------------  

Ruffians are very costly. 
They kill Beauty. 
They also Bury it in Rubbish 
so that what remains 
is not recognizable 
or visible to anyone. 
No matter what efforts are made 
to Beautify any Temple, 
Ruffians shall ruin its image 
every time 
and without waiver.  
Stay Clear of Ruffians!
-------------- DEADLINES --------------  

Freemasonry has shown me 
that Dying is merely Growing Old 
with a Deadline 
while Masonry showed me 
that Living is Accomplishing something Worthwhile 
before that Deadline is Reached!  
Live Masonicly!
-------------- HISTORY --------------  

 Mutual recognition of Jurisdictions and visitations only 
on the Grand Communication(s) level 
between The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Florida Free 
and Accepted Masons and The Most Worshipful Union 
of Grand Lodge Jurisdiction of Florida, 
Belize, Central America, Incorporated, Prince Hall Affiliated. 
4 Years Into It!
-------------- THE CAVE PROBLEM -------------- 

The Problem is Freemasonry 
is not being taught 
that it is only a ROAD MAP 
and that Masonry is the TERRITORY 
that this Map represents. 
As a result, 
very few are willing 
to explore this Territory; 
less actually do. 
And when they do, 
and they come back 
to try to discuss what they have seen, 
they are thought to be madmen.  
 Take Care in what Pearls you share...

-------------- THINK!-------------- 
To Be Better, 
you Must First 
Think Better! 

-------------- END -------------- 

  Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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