Friday, August 4, 2023

Random Building Thoughts - 2023-08-04


-------------- HUMOR --------------  

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  

 For Further Light:
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

Yup,cute metaphor for sure...
but it's not truly filled with Light 
as you know It 
so do stay clear either way...
for even with your newly found enlightenment,
black holes will still suck you in
and crush the life out of you.
It's nothing personal.
It's just what they do.

-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

Some Men Need Only Three.  
Other Men Need Twelve.  
 Know which Path to Recommend
to the man before you.

-------------- MADNESS INCARNATE! --------------  
Organizations are no Better than their Members. 
With this in mind: 
No Organization Improves 
without Improving its Membership. 
To make any Effort to Improve an Organization 
without Improving its Members 
is Madness Incarnate.
-------------- FOCUS RIGHT! --------------   
Obviously this should be the end-in-mind. 
before you do focus upon a solution, 
clearly know what the problem actually is! 
Providing solutions that fix the wrong problem 
is counterproductive.
-------------- RUFFIAN --------------  
-------------- THE CLOSER... --------------  

The Closer any Meme Hits your Center, 
The More Likely 
It Requires
Your Absolute Attention!
  -------------- ROMANCE IT! -------------- 
 Romancing the Stone
Is a Masonic Daily Occurrence
-------------- SHINE --------------  

Yes! Please do!
-------------- KNOW THEM! --------------

Labeling others, or their offerings, as being "sophisticated" was not intended to be taken as a compliment prior to 1850.
sophistication (n.) early 15c., "use of sophistry; fallacious argument intended to mislead; adulteration; an adulterated or adulterating substance," from Medieval Latin sophisticationem (nominative sophisticatio), noun of action from past participle stem of sophisticare "adulterate, cheat quibble," from Latin sophisticus "of sophists," from Greek sophistikos "of or pertaining to a sophist," from sophistes "a wise man, master, teacher" (see sophist). Meaning "wordly wisdom, refinement, discrimination" is attested from 1850.
sophist (n.) "one who makes use of fallacious arguments," mid-15c., earlier sophister (late 14c.), from Latin sophista, sophistes, from Greek sophistes "a master of one's craft; a wise or prudent man, one clever in matters of daily life," from sophizesthai "to become wise or learned," from sophos "skilled in a handicraft, cunning in one's craft; clever in matters of everyday life, shrewd; skilled in the sciences, learned; clever; too clever," of unknown origin. Greek sophistes came to mean "one who gives intellectual instruction for pay," and at Athens, contrasted with "philosopher," it became a term of contempt. 
Sophists taught before the development of logic and grammar, when skill in reasoning and in disputation could not be accurately distinguished, and thus they came to attach great value to quibbles, which soon brought them into contempt.
-------------- IMPROVE? --------------  

Learn to recognize 
what you can "improve",
 as in, 
what you can "add value to" 
 by first understanding 
how you stray from a path
 that truly gets you what you need. 
When you do, 
you open your eyes to life nurturing insights 
that turbocharge 
your every thought, action and result.
-------------- WHAT'S NEW --------------  
FILED UNDER: Plural for "NEW"
When most all your news focus upon the bad that is done and the misery it causes, you train all those watching and listening that this focus is our collective lot in life. 
When most all your news focus on what good you intentionally want to accomplish showing your challenges, progression and your successes, you train all those watching and listening that this focus is our collective lot in life. 
So... what are your news?
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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