Thursday, August 24, 2023

Random Building Thoughts - 2023-08-24


-------------- HUMOR --------------  

For Further Light:
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION--------------  

 For Further Light:
-------------- CHARACTER -------------- 
It is not the responsibility of the Lodge 
to Teach anyone;
 that responsibility is the Burden 
of those who want to Learn. 
 The Lodge is only responsible for giving opportunity
 to Brothers to Install The Code
 for what needs to be Worked upon 
within their heads and hearts.
But do not confuse this Freemasonic Training 
with Masonic Education. 
The former is intended 
to install The Code; 
the later to Live It.  
Men need only be shown 
what must be done 
and they shall do so 
without further prompting. 
 Only boys want spoon-feeding.  
And until they Mature, 
they shall remain Lodge Dependents. 

-------------- THE ANGLES --------------  

 Those 180 Degree Masons 
only get to the point 
where they turn themselves around.
 The 360s only go around in circles 
and some are pretty big ones! 
Be very careful with the 90s. 
Watch them closely. 
Make sure that you only hang out 
with the right ones.
 The left ones are definitely 
going in the wrong direction
 -------------- QUALITY --------------  

 The Quality Control of Freemasonry
is nothing like the Quality Control of Masonry 
and each have different Ends in Mind.
Those implementing the former 
survive within the Organization long enough 
to Preserve and Pass Down The Code
 for future generations.  
Those implementing the later 
Thrive in Life 
by Living The Code 
and by Positively Impacting This 
and Future Generations! 

-------------- WORSHIPFUL -------------- 

It's never a mistake 
to call Brothers "Worshipful" 
when they hold a place of 
Honor in your Heart. 
-------------- COWANS -------------- 

Accept Cowans to be Uninitiated Men 
who are Pretenders to the Craft 
and you'll keep non-Craft members away from an Open Lodge.

Understand Cowans to be men,
 titled or not, 
who build with unsquared stones
 and without Cement or Mortar, 
and you shall keep out of your life men
 incapable of being square or bonding properly.
It's a Choice 
filled with many Consequences 
so Choose Wisely.

For Further Light: 
-------------- LISTEN! -------------- 

 If you Want what you've Built to Thrive 
and not just Survive, 
the Cries of This Generation 
Require Suitable Responses 
which shall Further that End; 
not Reactions that 
Dismiss those Cries.
(Once again: 
suitable responses... 
not dismissive reactions...)
-------------- MYTH --------------  
“Is the system going to flatten you out 
and deny you your humanity, 
or are you going to be able to make use of the system
 to the attainment of human purposes?” 
― Joseph Campbell
-------------- QUEEN? --------------  
 If the Lodge is a Beehive, 
Who is the Queen?

(Hat tip to Bro. Nick Adair)
-------------- PALE SHADOW -------------- 
There's a World of difference between 
Further Light and Further Training. 
The Former Transforms the Soul 
while the Latter only Transfers Behavior 
that is a pale Shadow of the Former. 
-------------- ADULT SKINS -------------- 
 Youths who are clothed in Adult Skins 
dominating a Craft Landscape 
repel more potential members
 than any other 
anti-masonic influence.

For Further Light: 
-------------- COIL -------------- 
 A Prescription, 
not Description, 
of Betterment.

"The Society or Fraternity of Freemasons
 is more in the nature of a system of Philosophy
 or of moral and social virtues 
taught by symbols, allegories, and lectures
 based upon fundamental truths, 
the observance of which tends to promote 
stability of character, conservatism, morality and good citizenship."
--H. W. Coil 

-------------- PRETEND... --------------  

 If you Can't Act as A Mason,
at Least Make a Sincere Effort
and Pretend to be a Freemason.

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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