Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Random Building Thoughts - 2023-09-26

-------------- HUMOR --------------  

For Further Light:
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  

 -------------- PASSION --------------  
 The Miraculous Aspect of Passion 
is How Each Enables and Empowers us
 as we Subdue Them Toward Worthy Causes.
-------------- CIVILITY --------------  
 Civility is often measured 
by how you avoid condemning and sentencing others 
for believing or doing what you judge 
to be personally wrong for you.
-------------- A RUFFIAN... --------------  

In a dark grave,
A lonely dark grave
Our Hiram sleeps this night... 

He was put there,
 by three assassins
who slayed him in his flight.

WEEEEEEEEEE are left without 
the Master's Word...
WHOOOOOOOO left us without 
the Master's Word?

A ruffian, a ruffian, a ruffian, a ruffian...
A ruffian, a ruffian, a ruffian, a ruffian...
A ruffian, a ruffian, a ruffian, a ruffian...
 A ruffian, a ruffian, a ruffian, a ruffian...  

For Further Light:
* With apologies to the author of "A Lion Sleeps Tonight..."

-------------- CHARACTER -------------- 

Repeating Back 
Ritual Words and Actions 
Doesn't Make You A Good Mason. 
 It Makes You a Good Thespian. 
But it's A Good Start.
-------------- KEEP THE CODE! --------------  
When You Wear One of These, 
You Carry Within You a Moral Code 
Handed Down from One Man to Another, 
Since Time Immemorial. 
Don't Dirty It!
   -------------- FOLLY --------------    

Freemasonic Folly
Believing that 
Being A Lodge Member 
and Being a Mason 
is The Same Thing.
 -------------- TRANSFORMS! --------------  

Masonic Influence
on Brain Transformation

This was a fun one 
to research and write.
For Further Light:
How Ritual
the Brain 
-------------- CRACKED -------------- 
Every Time a Brother Violates 
one of His Obligations, 
Another Crack in his Ashlar 
is Highlighted.  

-------------- PSA -------------- 
Mind-Blowing PSA of the Day:
Just in case you didn't notice it this time around:
* You are not a Physical Being 
having a Spiritual Experience.
* You are not a Spiritual Being 
having a Physical Experience.
* You are a Human Being experiencing 
both a Physical and a Spiritual reality
at the same time.
It's called, 
"Having a 
Human Experience!"
-------------- NO MUCK! --------------  
If you are a Craft Member...
You have been Honored by being 
Permitted into a very Special Ancient Fraternity.  
It is a Privilege. It is Sacred. It is Precious. 
It has no Profanity upon its Walls.  
Don't Muck It Up!
-------------- F.E.A.R. --------------
 Experiencing Fear means that you Perceive Danger 
and that your body is telling you to ready yourself 
should that Perception be True. 
No matter how you want to create a cute way of remembering this, 
when you don't do a Reality Check on that Perception, 
you're setting yourself up for Potential Troubles.
-------------- MYTH --------------   
"Now the key story for me about 
Buddhism concerns the sermon 
where the Buddha was seated, 
and there was a group around him 
and he just held up a flower. 
Just a flower. 
One in the group got 
what the Buddha was on about. 
For him, 
the flower itself was enough to spark enlightenment. 
The rest of the crowd were still in the dark,
 so to speak, 
so the Buddha delivered a sermon
—the Flower Wreath SÅ«tra—
to explain what he meant, 
which was this: 
there is nothing to say about life. 
It has no meaning. 
You make meaning. 
If you want a meaning in your life, 
find a meaning and bring it into your life, 
but life won't give you a meaning. 
Meaning is a concept. 
It is a notion of an end toward which you are going. 
The point of Buddhism is This Is It."
Joseph Campbell, Myths of Light, p. 135
Yup. Enjoy it while you can.
-------------- SOUL --------------  

“The inner world is the world of your requirements 
and your energies and your structure and your possibilities that meets the outer world. 
And the outer world is the field of your incarnation. 
That’s where you are. 
You’ve got to keep both going. 
As Novalis said, 'The seat of the soul 
is there where inner and outer worlds meet.'"
-- Joseph Campbell & The Power of Myth" (with Bill Moyers)
Apprentice Work = Inner World = The Self = The Creature
Fellow Work = Outer World = The Universe = The Creation
(Soul Development!)
Master Mason = Beyond this World = The Word = The Creator!
(Spiritual Development!)
-------------- LEVEL --------------  

Insisting upon being called
 anything other than "Brother" 
by Brothers or using your Position 
within the Craft 
to Treat Brothers Unfairly. 
ID Them!  
Practice your Charge!
-------------- DON'T USE -------------- 

I want so much to believe that this
 is the basis for every FAITH that claims GOOD as its AIM. 
I could easily rewrite this to say:
Don't use FAITH to become a FAITHER. 
Use your FAITH to become better THROUGH 
whatever else you are doing already.
The reason for embracing any Faith 
is not to be identified as one of the Faithful. 
That does no good and often times creates discord. 
The reason to embrace any Faith is to learn its principles 
and apply them toward the good that occurs 
as a result of their application.
-------------- RUFFIAN! -------------- 

-------------- CONSUMED --------------  
When you Become so Consumed 
by Practices, Business Meetings and Committees 
that they keep you from Being with 
and Developing Good Friends, 
You've missed the Entire Point of Freemasonry.
Watch the Consumption! 
 -------------- SET IT! -------------- 
Do you want to find a Purpose in Life?
1) Decide what you Value most.
2) Choose how you want to Honor what you Value most.
3) Create a Plan to Live True to what you Value most.
4) Live that Plan on Purpose!
(Life without a properly set plumb is a major bummer!)
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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