Sunday, August 18, 2024

A Brother Asks: Mason On Site/At Sight


A Brother Asks: What is this authority that Grand Masters have to make masons at sight?

Great question!  Let's role up our sleeves on this one. 

First off, there's much confusion as to whether the term for this authority is "on site" or "at sight."  I will explain both so that it'll make sense either way.

Brother: Thanks!

Coach: In general, Grand Masters can: 

  1. (ON SITE) Convene a Lodge anywhere and at any time that want.
    • But Grand Masters must assure in doing so that it is properly configured and tyled. 
  2. (AT SIGHT) Create the conditions to admit a man into our fraternity and do so on the spot at any time.
    • If and only if those members who are in the conveyed Lodges agree.

So, although Grand Masters can do these things (on site/at sight), they MUST have the support of the members attending. 

Having authority to make members on site/at sight is restricted-limited by Lodge member attendance and participation. 

This means: 

Grand Masters cannot just say, "I make this guy a member." 

Grand Masters MUST still obey-respect-adhere to the jurisdiction's rules in making effort to do so. 

Their proposed member MUST:

  1. Be voted upon by the impromptu convened Lodge and be accepted by the voting members.
  2. Still take his Obligation right then and there or that attempt to make him a member is not recognized as legitimate. 

Grand Masters breaking with any of these important protocols will not be respected by the membership and neither will the proposed member. 

Many members think Grand Masters have more authority than this right truly has.

Of course, there are jurisdictions that don't adhere to any of this.  But what I have outlined is what respectful Grand Masters assure are followed and for the shared reasons.

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