A Brother Asks: Franklin states that masonry began with Nimrod and the tower of Babel instead of with King Solomon and Hiram Abiff. I have an original copy (this is a screenshot shown). Manly P Hall's book "Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians" also backs this theory of an older age.
What can you tell me about this excerpt from JH Franklin's 1910 book called "The Rebuilding of King Solomon's Temple?"
Coach: The problem that all Freemasons (and interested others) face is breaking through the veil of allegory offered by both the fraternity and authors who write about it.
This author present his best thoughts as if it is a possible historical account. It is presented this way but it is not the right focus. You must get it into your head that what the author offers must be understood symbolically if it is to have any assistance to you as a aspiring Mason!
Let me emphasis this again. When you want to comprehend this passage in Franklin’s book (and MPH’s works as well) and do so within the context of Masonic Development, you MUST stop thinking linearly and historically! It's all symbolic!
Let me break it down for you.
- Our Masonic Purpose (as stated in our first
degree and written out in plain text in our monitors) is to erect a spiritual
building and to do so agreeably to God’s rules & designs. This building is
not the temple that must be completed that is referred to in the 3rd degree. It
is an entirely different construction. The temple in the third degree is merely a necessary precursor to this second building.
To accomplish the spiritual building
construction, you MUST understand God's Word (Our Master's Word!) Any and all Babel present within you will prevent this from occurring. Your Masonry
begins with you understanding that Babel exists, that it is WITHIN YOU, and this Babel must be removed to accomplish your Masonic Purpose!
- Your Work proceeds by committing to a Masonic Mission: Deconstruct your Tower of Babel and Build within you the Order you need to accomplish your Masonic Purpose!
This means...
- Bringing Order to your Heart, and then
- Bringing Order to your Mind.
To accomplish this you must do the Work espoused by the first two degrees!
Once this Work is completed, you then will recognize TheMaster’s Word and seek to understand it so as to glean God’s rules & designs so that you can use them both to erect your spiritual building.
You cannot to this without dealing with your own personal Tower of Babel!
Once recognized, your Masonic Work has begun!
1 comment:
Thank you! Wonderful explanation
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