Saturday, July 9, 2022

Random Building Thoughts - 2022-07-09


-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
Brothers who Deliberately Misrepresent 
the Works and Words of other Brothers 
in Malicious Efforts to Persuade 
and Misguide their Fellows 
to View Unkindly their target's hearts, 
have only dirtied themselves 
and the title "Brother" 
Entrusted to their Safekeeping.

-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

There is rarely a better feeling 
a man can ever experience 
deep in his soul 
than that of knowing he is surrounded by Brothers 
wanting nothing but the best for him 
and making sure that he knows this 
without equivocation. 
If you truly want this for yourself, 
make sure that you provide it for a Brother. 
It's the right thing to do 
and the role you put forth 
will come back a thousand-fold!

-------------- BE! --------------  

Be the Role Model You Seek!
If you cannot find what you are looking for outwardly, 
create it internally 
and let it at least be seen by others. 
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

at Its Root, 
is just Illustrated Allegory."
-- Bro. Nick Adair
-------------- RELIEF! --------------   
 To actively Seek & Promote the Relief of others 
by men who have yet to be sufficiently Relieved themselves 
and to engage them in this activity
 rather than direct them toward Suitable self-relief
 is a gross mismanagement of Resources 
and a blatant injustice to mankind. 
Much more Relief would occur 
if Brothers first did the Work that Ritual directed them toward. 
When they don't, 
you'll see endless struggle,
 spiritual destitution 
and hopeless endeavors. 
-------------- RUFFIAN -------------- 
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
Once you Truly Understand 
what Flaws Actually are, 
you Also Realize that you cannot Correct them; 
you can only Compensate for them.
-------------- MYTH --------------  
“If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, 
you know it's not your path. 
Your own path you make with every step you take. 
That's why it's your path.”
― Joseph Campbell
Yup! That's why I prefer off-road activities... 
unless the road gets me to that off-road spot a lot quicker, 
I won't take it.
-------------- MATURITY --------------  

 is learning to walk away from people 
and situations 
that threaten your peace of mind, 
self-respect, values, morals or self-worth.”
-------------- GRAMMAR! --------------  

Why is "W"
not pronounced 
"Double V"?
For Further Light:
-------------- ENCOURAGE! --------------  
-------------- MAPS --------------  

For Further Light:
-------------- SCRIPTURE -------------- 

"Let there be Light!" 
-- God
 -------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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