Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Random Building Thoughts - 2023-10-18


-------------- DOWNSIDE -------------- 

The Downside 
of Providing some Light Freely to our Brothers 
is that far too many come to Expect 
and even Arrogantly Demand 
that all Masonic Light come to them the same way, 
this to the Detriment of those 
who Worked extremely Hard 
to Obtain it for themselves.
-------------- THREE STAIRCASES --------------

-------------- HUMOR --------------  
Why Yes. 
You did Notice Correctly... 
Masons by Their Chosen Nature 
Are Very Well Hung.
-------------- RESEARCH -------------- 
 When it comes to Freemasonic Research, 
it is best to Assume and do so Quite Liberally 
that What has been Assumed in the Past 
is Heavily Tainted by the Assumptions
of many Conjecturing Researchers.
For Further Light:
-------------- CURIOUS! -------------- 

You might at first think 
you know a word's meaning 
-- don't be fooled. 
When you look within any good thesaurus, 
you will find the word "Square
to be a synonym for the word "Level
and for the word "Plumb;" 
"Level" to be a synonym for "Plumb
and for "Square;" 
and "Plumb" to be a synonym for "Square
and for "Level." 
Word application and context
is meaning!
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
As much as it is an overt Requirement 
that men must be Free to Join, 
if they Rightfully Grasp to what Freemasonry Alludes 
they Begin to Comprehend how Bound they truly are.

For Further Light: 
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  
Coach's Challenge:
PREMISE: For undisclosed reasons, 
you are tasked to choose a new substitute word 
for the substitute word used within ritual, 
required to never talk about the old substitute ever again 
and to assure that this new word 
impacts candidates in life changing ways. 
1) What is the new substitute word that you choose?
2) Why did you choose this specific new substitute word?
3) How do you think this new substitute word would impact the candidate?
-------------- EXEMPLIFIED! --------------  
 -------------- DANGEROUS --------------  
When you Believe a Substitute 
Empowers you Beyond your own Abilities, 
you are not someone Special, 
You're someone who is very Dangerous.
-------------- PASS! -------------- 
 Without Wisdom's Passport, 
Beauty will Reject you every time!
* Jaffa; Hiram

(hat tip to Shawnee Lodge!)

-------------- BLIND MEN -------------- 

Men who only see the Material costs
 of what you Offer to them 
shall never Truly Appreciate the work required
 to Produce it
 or what it Truly Represents 
to those Men who do.
-------------- DECEPTION --------------
 "For he who deceives the buyer or the seller 
by speaking what is true, 
in a sense not intended or understood by the other,
 is a liar and a thief. 
 A Perfect Master must avoid that which deceives,
 equally with that which is false"
-- Bro. Albert Pike, Morals & Dogma, p. 116
-------------- UNABLE OR REFUSAL? -------------- 

Freemasonic Light is Not Masonic Light. 
When Any Brother Insists that they are the Same, 
Humor him 
and never Approach the Subject with him again. 
He is Beyond your help.

For Further Light:
-------------- MYTH --------------   
 “When you translate the Bible 
with excessive literalism,
 you demythologize it. 
The possibility of a convincing reference 
to the individual's own spiritual experience is lost.”
Joseph Campbell,  
Thou Art That: 
Transforming Religious Metaphor
-------------- TRAVEL --------------  

Traveling to Really Enjoyable Places 
that you Truly Can Imagine!
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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