Saturday, October 28, 2023

Random Building Thoughts - 2023-10-28


 -------------- THE WORD! --------------  

Your Completed Temple
is NOT
your Spiritual Building!

For Further Light:

 -------------- QUICK OVERVIEW! --------------  

How well 
do you understand these?
 -------------- SCIENCE! --------------  

 Because: Science!
 -------------- HUMOR -------------- 
Can I have an "AMEN!?"

(Hat tip to Bro. David Rosenthal!)

 -------------- CHARACTER --------------    

The Unbelievably Devastating Nature of Titularity 
Wrecks Havoc upon all Legitimate Mastery, 
no matter how any Organization might try 
to Spin, Justify or Practice it.
How have you 
earned your titles?

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

What attitudes do you manifest
that are counterproductive?
 -------------- JUST DO IT! --------------  
Without the Work, 
all is Titular!  
What Work 
have you done?
 -------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

1) Explain to a candidate the connection between 
"Hiram" and the term "been raised".
2) Explain to a candidate the connection between 
the term"Abiff" 
and "the educational result"
he should have received 
had he done the Work 
that the previous two degrees 
point him toward.
3) Explain to a candidate why he received 
only a substitute for all his efforts.
4) Explain why a candidate can expect 
absolutely no support 
from the organization
to change this for the better. 

For Further Light:
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  
And it was in that Moment 
that you Realized 
all this could have been Avoided 
had the Principle Officers 
been Honest 
and not Lied.
What can you do 
to assure things get better?
-------------- MYTH --------------  
“Once we have broken free of the prejudices of our own provincially limited ecclesiastical, tribal, or national rendition of the world archetypes, it becomes possible to understand that the supreme initiation is not that of the local motherly fathers, who then project aggression onto the neighbors for their own defense. The good news, which the World Redeemer brings and which so many have been glad to hear, zealous to preach, but reluctant, apparently, to demonstrate, is that God is love, the He can be, and is to be, loved, and that all without exception are his children. Such comparatively trivial matters as the remaining details of the credo, the techniques of worship, and devices of episcopal organization (which have so absorbed the interest of Occidental theologians that they are today seriously discussed as the principal questions of religion), are merely pedantic snares, unless kept ancillary to the major teaching. Indeed, where not so kept, they have the regressive effect: they reduce the father image back again to the dimensions of the totem. And this, of course, is what has happened throughout the Christian world. One would think that we had been called upon to decide or to know whom, of all of us, the Father prefers. Whereas, the teaching is much less flattering: "Judge not, that ye be not judged." The World Savior's cross, in spite of the behavior of its professed priests, is a vastly more democratic symbol than the local flag.”

Joseph Campbell,  
The Hero With a Thousand Faces
-------------- WHY?! --------------  
Master Level Quiz:
Why are 15 FCs Constantly 
and without Question 
Allowed into a MM Level Lodge?
Once you understand this,
the veil is lifted! 

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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