Sunday, October 29, 2023

Random Building Thoughts - 2023-10-29


 -------------- PURSUING FOLLY --------------  
 When you don't have a burning desire
 to erect a spiritual building that is 
agreeable to God's Rules & Designs, 
then pursuing The Master's Word, 
or the Secrets that reveal It, 
is utter and complete folly.
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION CHALLENGE -------------- 

For Further Light:
  -------------- CULMINATION --------------  
The Culmination
 of the Apprentice Work
 is the Perfected Ashlar. 
For Further Light:
Perfect in Sanity
-------------- PERFECTION --------------  

It's not about 
being Flawless in any way.

It's about Being Mature 
about your Flaws 
in Every Way.
 -------------- THE BACKWARD CLAIM --------------  
is not also an EA.
For Further Light:
The Claim!

-------------- HUMOR --------------  

(HAT TIP TO BRO. Brian Rubright)
 -------------- NEVER EVER --------------  

We should never ever
have to wait for the day 
when Brothers 
had a Mind to Speak.
-------------- THE POINT --------------  
Brute Force Coaching Moment
What you might be missing!
For all those Brothers 
who failed to comprehend this 
the first 1000 times around, 
here's your sign: 
The Point 
within a Circle 
flanked by two 
Parallel Lines!
-------------- MYTH --------------  
“The hero journey 
is one of the universal patterns 
through which that radiance shows brightly. 
What I think 
is that a good life 
is one hero journey after another. 
Over and over again, 
you are called to the realm of adventure, 
you are called to new horizons. 
Each time, there is the same problem:
 do I dare? 
And then if you do dare, 
the dangers are there, 
and the help also, 
and the fulfillment or the fiasco. 
There’s always the possibility of a fiasco.
But there’s also the possibility of bliss.”
-- Joseph Campbell, Pathways to Bliss
Bring It On!
  -------------- CHALLENGE --------------  
Little Lodge of Horrors

Don't Let This Happen to You


-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

 One of the most Bewildering Aspects 
of Freemasonic Practice 
is how Far into a Cave
 that some Members willingly Travel 
trying to Free themselves from 
the Very Caves that Trap them. 
-------------- DEMANDS --------------  

 Wisdom demands 
that you know when to ignore
 the annoyingly distractive knock at the door, 
and when not to. 
Strength demands 
that you remain resolute 
in your choice. 
Beauty demands 
that you remain at peace 
with your choice.
 -------------- POSITION --------------  

When you Continuously Position Yourself 
as an Eager Student, 
with no Expectations 
other than that of Being the Recipient 
of Worldly Wisdom, 
Life Provides you a Cornucopia.
-------------- SET YOUR SIGHT! --------------  

 Set your Sight 
upon the Wheat 
which shall nurture you into the future 
and Winnow away the Chaff 
that shall do nothing more than deplete you.
It is the message 
in the Checkered pavement. 
Apply it! 
For Further Light:
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
 -------------- MUSIC --------------  
Fellow Craft Wisdom: 
is the Interface 
Geometry and Music 
-------------- HEADS UP! -------------- 

will be available sometime late next week.

PLEASE put your orders in now if you would like to reserve a first edition copy for your collections.

You can order it here:

Also, please share the link if you want to inform others of its availability.

Thank you in advance!



WARNING! Apple phones appear to have a problem with the paypal link - please contact me if there is a problem and I will invoice you.


The Master’s Word, also known as, The Secrets of a Master Mason, has been the most sought-after Masonic Secret since Freemasonry’s beginning. For generations, men joined other Freemasonic Bodies just to obtain it and were suitably provided with what they thought was this Word. But by taking these paths each of them failed. Had they only listened to Grand Master Hiram, they would have known exactly what they needed to do to obtain it!

He knew that there was but one way to obtain The Master’s Word! Complete the Temple! And only one path to achieve this – do the Work & Master the Craft!

But what exactly is The Craft that needs to be Mastered?

Brother John S. Nagy explores this question by examining & decoding Freemasonry’s Ritual to offer some surprising answers. In doing so, he supplies seekers with a clear path as to what is required by those who pursue this secret.

Along the way, Brother Nagy also gives invaluable insights into the clues Ritual presents its members to direct their actions. He also offers crucial connections that reveal what the originators of Ritual wanted their members to learn as they pursued its unique Mastery and Craft.

The Quest for Further Light is an admirable activity that the Fraternity of Freemasonry encourages. When you truly desire to seek & know what Craft Ritual directs Freemasons to Master and how to cultivate the ability to Travel to Foreign Lands, Work and Earn as a Master of the Craft, you must first understand what you truly seek.

Brother Nagy discloses this, and much more within the pages of this book.

“The Craft Mastered!” is a must read for all who quest.
-------------- END -------------- 

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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