-------------- SUBTLE DIFFERENCES --------------
of the most important skills the Second Degree
Directs Freemasons
toward Cultivating is the Ability to see
subtle difference between
even when they appear grossly the same.
The subtle differences
between steps, senses and even columns
are strongly emphasized as
simplified lessons
from which Brothers can gain insights into future
It's sad to know that few Brothers take this direction
develop further this most important skill.
Take great care in
associating with those who
have not developed this skill any further
they shall worship naked emperors
and condemn you for not being blind.
-------------- PRELUDE --------------
-------------- WITHOUT WAIVER! --------------
of the best ways to Express your love of Freemasonry
and the members
that comprise it,
is to Practice Masonry in your own life without waiver
and to Encourage your Brothers to do so too
by your unwavering good
Masons know that Being a Member is not enough
and that
Betterment doesn't occur without Work.
To believe or act otherwise is
-------------- IMPOSSIBLE --------------
-------------- LIVE UP! --------------
-------------- WHAT WAS LOST --------------
If indeed we've been around since time immemorial and we're so good at keeping and handing down secrets and bringing Light to our less informed Brothers, how is it that Masons were required to whack away at stone with chisels and gavels during medieval times rather than merely pouring it into place like our Ancient Egyptian and Roman Brothers did, waiting unknowingly for Cement to be reinvented by a non-member of the Craft? The answer to this question is quite simple, but to get it you must first look past what you are told and try to understand what we actually do.
-------------- ENCOURAGE & NURTURE BETTERMENT --------------
-------------- QUIBBLING --------------
-------------- QUIBBLE --------------
1. To evade the truth or importance of an issue by raising trivial distinctions and objections.
2. To criticize, query, fault, pick holes in; informal nitpick.
3. To argue or raise objections about a trivial matter.
4. To find fault or criticize for petty reasons; cavil.
5. A petty distinction or an irrelevant objection.
6. Archaic A pun.
Synonyms: object to, find fault with, complain about, cavil at; split hairs about; carp1, cavil, niggle, nitpick, pettifog
These verbs mean to raise petty or frivolous objections or complaints:
quibbling about minor details; a critic who constantly carped; caviling
about the price of coffee; an editor who niggled about commas; tried to
stop nitpicking all the time; pettifogging about trivialities.
early 17th cent. (in the sense ‘play on words, pun’): diminutive of
obsolete quib ‘a petty objection,’ probably from Latin quibus, dative
and ablative plural of qui, quae, quod ‘who, what, which,’ frequently
used in legal documents and so associated with subtle distinctions or
verbal niceties.
[1] Source: Various dictionaries <snicker>
-------------- DRIVE! --------------
-------------- WITH YOU! --------------
-------------- RESEARCH --------------
-------------- END --------------