Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Random Building Thoughts - 2021-01-20

-------------- COME TOGETHER --------------


-------------- BE INSPIRED! --------------

-------------- DO THE WORK! --------------

-------------- WHITTLE! --------------


-------------- SERVE YOUR PURPOSE --------------

-------------- ENCOURAGE! --------------

-------------- BECOME! --------------

-------------- KNOW THE PRAISERS --------------

-------------- TO KNOW WHAT IS --------------

 -------------- APPLY THE LESSONS! --------------


-------------- ANSWER THE QUESTION! --------------


On the Question of Quality vs Quantity: 
It is not any small coincidence that the three Symbolic Degree Rituals take place upon a Threshing-floor and each tells us through abundant Allusion to Constantly, Consistently and Chronically Separate Wheat from Chaff! 
What parts of this did you not Recognize, Understand and Execute Properly? 
For Further Light:

-------------- BECOME! -------------- 


(Hat tip to Bro. Keith Smigle!)
-------------- END -------------- 

 Be Well and Travel Light!

-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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