Sunday, January 17, 2021

Random Building Thoughts - 2021-01-17

-------------- HUMOR --------------

 -------------- TERRITORY --------------

For Further Light:
Get Real!

-------------- NOT POSSIBLE! --------------

 For Further Light:
The Master's Word

-------------- LEARN TO LOVE TO LEARN --------------

-------------- SYNC THE SOUL! --------------

Synchronicity occurs all the time.
It's only when the heart and mind consistently seek and find meaning
that it cultivates a soul's fulfillment. 

-------------- BE MORE THAN A TITLE BEARER --------------


-------------- STUDY! --------------


1. The study or theory of human ignorance.
2. The study of things of which cannot be known.
3. The doctrine concerning those things of which we are necessarily ignorant.
4. (metaphysics) the doctrine or theory of ignorance, which seeks to determine what we are necessarily ignorant of.
Origin: From Greek: ἀγνωστ, agnost, "not known"; and λόγος, logos, "knowledge."
(Agnosy is another word for "ignorance".)

-------------- PRETENDING -------------- 

FILED UNDER: Let's Just Continue to Pretend
Until Freemasonic Activities focus upon the Improvement needs of its Members, little to no Masonry shall ever occur within their hearts and minds and the petitioners these Lodges attract shall be of like spirit. 
Change must occur from within the hearts and minds of existing members to manifest Betterment of Freemasonry's current lot. 
If you believe you can beat the odds by faking it too, before you become yet one more disillusioned and frustrated soul, first take a good look around you at what nearly 300 years of faking it has wrought. 
It is clear to any honest discerning observer that the Craft as a whole has not beat the odds so far by faking anything.
When you want to beat the odds and bring about change for the Better, you must yourself change for the Better and do so in ways that manifest the words that spell out what the at Betterment change is. Until you are those words, that change for the Better has not occurred.
Be Those Words! And be Them Masterfully!

-------------- PRIMARY MESSAGE --------------

 The Primary Message of the Third Degree
No matter who you might look toward to provide you Light, 
your own consistently directed efforts toward this end 
will outshine anything that could possibly be provided to you 
by any other human beings.

-------------- CHANGE BEGINS WITH YOU! --------------

 -------------- 2 BY 4 --------------


 -------------- COME HERE TO DO? --------------

 -------------- END -------------- 

 Be Well and Travel Light!

-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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