Thursday, January 7, 2021

Random Building Thoughts - 2021-01-07

-------------- INSIGHT --------------

Does your Lodge face the same Problems repeatedly?
Are the same provided solutions truly ineffective?
Do the incoming officers re-invent the wheel
or follow the counsel of Brothers who didn't effectively deal with them before?
Do you Think it's time to Think Differently about Thinking Differently?

Do you truly believe that what we face in society is any different?

-------------- CHOOSE WISELY! --------------

-------------- LEGACY --------------


-------------- SHINE! --------------

-------------- WOMB --------------

"Mythology is the womb of mankind's initiation to life and death."
-- Joseph Campbell, The Flight of the Wild Gander

And the Freemasonic Lodge is where men are supposed to be birthed! (when they do the Work!)

Did you think that the Circumpunct wasn't a symbol for the Womb?

 -------------- WELL? --------------

-------------- SHADOWED HEARTS --------------

-------------- WARNING --------------

A Cowan is not a Pretender. 

That is a myth created by unknowing Freemasons. A Cowan is a "Dry Dyker". Dry Dykers are Masons who Build without any Cement, especially of their own making. Cement is very important to Freemasons, for it Unifies the Building into One Common Mass. Cowans are not interested in Unification. Freemasons are told to not allow them in their Lodges because Cowen's Buildings are without Cement; they do not Build to Unify. 

If you are a Masterful Mason, you now know something about the Tyler's job that he doesn't. You also now know that he most likely didn't know who he was allowing into your Lodge.  

For Further Light:

-------------- MSA --------------

Masonic Service Announcement of the Day:

-------------- THINKING --------------

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------

-------------- PLUG --------------

For Further Light:

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!

-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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