Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Random Building Thoughts - 2021-09-08

-------------- HUMOR --------------  

Yep. Line please?

For Further Light:

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
Are you up for the Job?

-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

When you Truly want to Know 
How Well the Process Works, 
Find out how many Petitioners 
Make it through 
to become An Actual 
Twenty Year Active Member.
-------------- WELL? --------------  
When What You're Doing 
Produces Men Who Eventually Go Away, 
What Exactly Then Are You 
Actually Producing?
 -------------- ALLEGORY--------------  
It is very misleading to believe our Fraternity 
is Speculative and not Operative in nature. 
This belief assumes members do not Toil. 
Nothing could be further from the truth 
and more damaging to any member who believes it. 
Although for generations there are Freemasons 
who have come and gone 
and Toiled not 
and there is no doubt that this pattern 
shall repeat far into the future, 
to be a Mason, 
One Must Toil! 
No Building occurs without Toil. 
Work is the nature of Masonry! 
You can "speculate" ad nausea 
but without Applying Sound Speculation 
nothing occurs Masterfully. 
Presently members of the Fraternity 
are not required to both Speculate and Operate. 
this explains why nothing gets done at times. 
Apprentice Ritual directs us toward Work; 
so too does Fellow Craft Ritual. 
When you only Speculate upon Work, 
then you Toil not. 
This is neither the Intent nor Nature of Masonry. 
Look toward those who Apply Sound Speculation. 
They are the Masons within the Craft!
 They are the Operators! 
For Further Light:
 -------------- APPLICATION! --------------  

There is no Masonic Learning 
without Work! 
Speculation itself 
is not Work! 
Only Proper
 and Consistent Application 
Proves any Lesson 
is actually Learned.

For Further Light: 
  -------------- WHAT'S BECOME --------------  

How we degraded...

NOW: Repeat back some Scripts 
and some Motions.

THEN: Masterfully Plan Projects, 
Coordinate Crews 
& Build Cathedrals.
For Further Light:
 -------------- BFF --------------  

 When you've yet to become 
your own best friend, 
you're missing out on 
the best relationship friend 
you'll ever have.
-------------- FEAT -------------- 
Apprentice Wisdom
It's an awesome feat 
to know yourself 
and a wholly different feat 
to accept yourself 
and remain friends 
once you do.
-------------- CRAFT YEARS -------------- 
 Craft Years 
are No True Measure 
of Craft Mastery. 
Study Ritual In Depth. 
Don't Assume Younger Members 
Can't Know 
or that Older Members 
are Craft Authorities. 
Think for Yourself! 
Learn More! 
Make Your Years Count.

For Further Light:
-------------- HOLEY --------------
 Do the things you rely upon 
have Integrity? 
this question includes yourself!
(patch them holes!)

-------------- SERIOUS? --------------  

Expect Not to be taken Serious 
by Outsiders Who Clearly See 
that Your Title 
Doesn't Match Your 
Skills, Abilities & Maturity.

-------------- MYTH --------------  

"There are today no horizons, 
no mythogenetic zones. 
Or rather, the mythogenetic zone 
is the individual human heart. 
Individualism and spontaneous pluralism—
the free association of men and women of like spirit, 
under protection of a secular, rational state 
with no pretensions to divinity
—are in the modern world the only honest possibilities: 
each the creative center of authority for himself, 
in Cusanus's circle without circumference 
whose center is everywhere, 
and where each is the focus of God's gaze."
-- Joseph Campbell, 
"The Masks of God, Vol. IV: 
Creative Mythology"
-------------- PATHS --------------  

 Freemasonry doesn't Provide 
Wisdom to its Members. 
It Provides Lighted Paths to Wisdom. 
It is up to each Member 
to Travel those Paths 
Should he Desire 
Wisdom for himself.

For Further Light:
-------------- CREDIBLE -------------- 
When you don't trust yourself, 
how credible is your mistrust?
-------------- TEACH! -------------- 

Freemasonry Teaches Men 
that Building Upon Unprepared Foundations, 
Condemned any Grand 
or Important Undertaking 
from the Start.
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION -------------- 

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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