Friday, September 10, 2021

Random Building Thoughts - 2021-09-10

-------------- HUMOR --------------  
For Further Light:
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

 It is not enough to Properly Think; 
one must Properly Do! 
"Virtue is but heroic bravery, 
to do the thing thought to be true, 
in spite of all enemies of flesh or spirit, 
in despite of all temptations or menaces. 
"Man is accountable for the uprightness of it. 
Devout enthusiasm is far easier than a good action. 
The end of thought is action; 
the sole purpose of Religion is an Ethic. 
in political science,
 is worthless,
 except for the purpose 
of being realized in practice"
-- Bro. Albert Pike "Morals & Dogma
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

Should we take the quote:
"...that religion 
in which all men agree..." 
...and do so within 
its "intended" context, 
would the quote not imply 
that it is referring to 
an actual 
in which men do truly agree?
If so, 
then describe this religion!

(Hint: Bro. Anderson actually describes it! 
Can you spell it out as he did?)

Check last post!
-------------- PROBLEMS --------------  
 Craft Problems are Personal in Nature. 
Change the Person for the Better 
and so Follows the Craft.
 -------------- GREAT END --------------  

It is not enough to Properly Think; 
one must Properly Do!

"The great end is not knowledge, 
but action."
-Thomas Huxley
-------------- EVIDENCE -------------- 

Faith is not evidential. 
Once evidence exists, 
faith ceases to be faith.
 -------------- MORE OF THE SAME --------------  
 Candidates Who are Unmotivated, 
Highly Complacent 
and Meritless in Life
 are Likely be the Same as Members.
 -------------- CHECKERED -------------- 

It's not enough to give lip service 
to the checkered pavement symbolism 
by saying it represents good and evil. 
You must go beyond the veil, 
reach into that symbolism,
 ask yourself how it applies toward your life 
and then apply it without waiver. 
Waving a checkered flag looks good on the surface, 
but carrying what that flag 
represents a battle within 
 where your life depends upon 
the actions you take 
is a whole different level of activity. 
-------------- HISTORY --------------
 History is a Tool; 
Beneficial in the Hands 
of Humane Artisans; 
Ruinous in the Hands
 of Inhumane Malcontents.
-------------- MYTH --------------  
"There are today no horizons,
no mythogenetic zones.
Or rather, the mythogenetic zone
is the individual human heart.
Individualism and spontaneous pluralism
— the free association of men and women of like spirit,
under protection of a secular,
rational state with no pretensions to divinity —
are in the modern world the only honest possibilities:
each the creative center of authority for himself,
in Cusanus's circle without circumference
whose center is everywhere,
and where each is the focus
of God's gaze."

-- Joseph Campbell,
"The Masks of God, Vol. IV: Creative Mythology"
 -------------- TROUBLES --------------  

 Craft Troubles shall always Require Solutions 
that first Remove the Problems 
that Plague it. 
The Craft's Challenge shall always be 
Following the Steps 
that Lead to Mastery, 
not Title.
 -------------- REAL --------------  
Keeping It Real Since Time Immemorial
(Are you keeping it Real?)
-------------- CHALLENGES -------------- 
 Challenges are what We Need to Do.
Problems are what Blocks our Way.
Troubles are what Problems kick up.
-------------- CEMENT -------------- 

Temple Rubbish is Caused by the Darkness of Hearts.
(Do you know your Working Materials?
Do you know how to properly prepare them?))
-------------- WHINING -------------- 
 Yup! and thanks for pointing it out!
-------------- CONFORM? -------------- 

Inner Contentment 
shall not ever be Achieved 
by any Effort to Make the World 
Conform to your Desires.

-------------- THAT RELIGION... --------------

"...that Religion in which all Men agree...
...that is, to be good Men and true, 
or Men of Honour and Honesty..."
-- Bro. Anderson

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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