Monday, September 20, 2021

Random Building Thoughts - 2021-09-20

 -------------- HIGHEST! --------------  
In truth, the FC Degree 
is the highest Degree.
 In many ways, 
the MM Degree 
is merely Test Drive 
to see if you did the Work.  
For Further Light:

 -------------- TOP TEN -------------- 
-------------- VIRTUES --------------
Squaring any Ashlar Requires 
No Aspect of Dimensional Measurement. 
 Virtues Transcend Time and Space!
-------------- HUMOR --------------  

Masonic Humor
“As a brother and I were walking down the street while we were visiting. We happen to pass a pet shop. It has a sign in the window that caught our eye. It said, “See our Masonic Birds.”
Well we looked at each other and since we had time before our scheduled meeting, we decided to investigate?
We went in and proceeded to the aviary to view the birds. While we were inspecting them the owner came over and offered to help us.
“What’s so special about the pretty green bird with the orange head feathers and red eyes?”, I asked.
“Oh, he recites the Working tools of the First Degree.”, was the reply. How much is that bird I queried. That one goes for $500 said the owner.
“What about that blue bird with the red trim feathers and yellow beak?, I asked.
“That bird knows the first degree tracing board charge and sells for $750.”, said the owner.
“And what about that outstanding purple bird with the iridescent green plumage”, I asked.
“That particular bird is exceptional because the does the whole of the Third Degree and he sells for $1,000.”
“Oh, I see. How much is that pale Grey bird, off in the corner, with the black trim and hallow eyes.” I inquired.
“Well that bird goes for $2,000.”, said the owner.
“Wow”, I said, “What does he do?”
“Nothing.”, replied the owner.
“Nothing?”, I repeated. “Well, then why are you charging so much for him?” I wanted to know.
“All I know”, said the owner, ”is that all the other birds call him,‘ Most Worshipful Grand Master’
(Hat tip to Brother Steve Rowlison!)
-------------- PRE-MASON -------------- 

A Future Brother 
who has yet to Petition 
and be Accepted 
by the Whole of the Craft.
     -------------- CHARACTER --------------  

The True Secrets 
can only be found 
by completing the Work.
For Further Light:
-------------- PURSUIT -------------- 
 Take Care in How you Pursue Beauty
for your very Passionately Misguided Efforts 
May Kill and Bury what you Seek
Deep in the Rubbish of your own Making.
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

The Craft Would Do Well 
To Apply This Wisdom.
-------------- DO SOMETHING  -------------- 
 If you're Blessed, 
there Shall Exist Defining Moments in your Life 
where the Koolaid you have Accepted 
no longer sits well in the Bowels of your Heart 
and you Shall Do Something about it.
-------------- AVOID --------------
The Best Way to Avoid Disappointment 
is to not make Appointments Irresponsibly...
...or with the irresponsible...
-------------- MYTH --------------  
 “We have only to follow the thread of the hero path. 
And where we had thought to find an abomination, 
we shall find a God. 
And where we had thought to slay another, 
we shall slay ourselves.
And where we had thought to travel outward, 
we shall come to the center of our own existence. 
And where we had thought to be alone, 
we shall be with all the world.” 
― Joseph Campbell
-------------- GOOD MASON HUNTING --------------  


We get to choose 
who we let into our 
weird little worlds.

(RIP Dear Robin)
-------------- SEEK YOU! -------------- 
 You'll not Ever Find what you Truly Seek
Till you Truly Seek to Find a Better You.
 -------------- VALUES -------------- 

 To Know Your Value, 
First Know Your Values. 
-------------- BEGINS-------------- 
 Mastery begins when you Know 
that the answers you're Told 
are not Truly the Answers you Seek.
 -------------- BE CERTAIN! -------------- 
The Aprons, 
on the Surface, 
Reflect the Act's Premise. 
But, they are not Aprons; 
for Certain They're Curtains, 
and we are those men 
Who Hide Behind Them.
-------------- UNDERSTAND! -------------- 
 The True Tragedy of Our Gentle Craft 
is that it is so Rare a Member 
who Truly Understands its Workings.
-------------- ADMIT IT! -------------- 

Admit it! 
When you read pirate talk, 
your inner reading voice's tone 
and inflection changes.... 
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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