Monday, December 12, 2022

Random Building Thoughts - 2022-12-12


-------------- REMEDIAL EDUCATION --------------

Been saying this for years...

(Hat tip to Brothers Tony Microwave Bonner‎
via "All Things Masonic", Jakin BD and Oscar Alleyne,
and the unknown Mason who drew the characters.)
BTW - If you truly want
to understand the degrees, 
you might be interested in this:
The Craft Mastered!

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------

-------------- HUMOR 1 --------------

-------------- GOALS --------------

 Have You Touched
Your Horizon Yet?
-------------- INTELLIGENT --------------

Intelligent men Seek to Understand
how others Accept things
without Limiting their own Understanding
to what others have Accepted as Unwavering.

Ignorant men Condemn others
for daring to Think differently
even when those Thoughts
are Well-Founded.

 -------------- RUFFIAN MENTALITY --------------

Ruffian Degree Mentality:

1st Degree:
Here are the messes and bad habits
that will hold me back
if I don't learn to distract others
from seeing them.

2nd Degree:
Here's what will make me look dumb
if I don't learn how to fake being smart.

3rd Degree:
Here's the title that will give me benefits
that I don't want to earn
and embolden me to dismiss anyone
who dares defy me.

(Inspired by "Building Ruffish -
Uncommon Field Guide
for Uncommon Masonic Education
- volume 6"
found here:

-------------- HUMOR 2 -------------- 

-------------- BE BETTER OFF! --------------

So many Freemasons
would be so much Better off
if they had the Stones to Do the Work.
You can see very quickly those that do.
They are much Better for their Efforts.

 -------------- WHEN YOU HAVE THEM --------------


Work for Men With Stones

-------------- INSPIRATION --------------

-------------- GRASP! --------------

-------------- BOOK EXPERIENCE --------------

"My lodge started a new study group this year and we chose this book for our first discussion and dialogue. It was our intent to tackle new material for each meeting. Brother John S Nagy's Craft Unmasked caused us to abandon that thought. We had a second session to continue digging deeper into the book.

"Everyone loved it. It's must-read for every Brother."
-- Bro. Mike Clevenger, PM
|New England Lodge No. 4,
Columbus, OH 

-------------- THE PURPOSE -------------- 

Freemasonic Ritual directs males
to first Perfect and then Raise themselves.
The Purpose of these two activities
is to ready them for the Serious Study
of Theology and Philosophy,
of which are profanely manifested as Religion and Politics.
This is the reason for the discussion proscription
of Religion and Politics within lodges.
Such discourse within any lodge
is premature for all those who have yet to do
the Work toward which Ritual Directs them.

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!

-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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