Friday, December 2, 2022

A Brother Asks: Freemasonry's limitations?



A Brother Asks: What are Freemasonry's limitations?

Coach: That's a great question! 

Here are but four of countless limitations. I hope these examples help you better understand Freemasonry's limitation and what you can do to overcome them.

1) Freemasonry cannot make a good man better. It can only offer opportunities for men to better themselves.

--> That being said, you can better yourself by doing the Work of the path its rituals point you toward. That Work is not ritual work though. Ritual work is but a map. Follow that map and your Work becomes clear.

2) Freemasonry cannot "make" anyone think. It can only offer people opportunities to think.

--> It's only by doing the Work of the path it points toward that your thinking will be assisted.

3) Freemasonry cannot teach you anything; it can only instruct you as to what behaviors and thoughts are better for you.

--> It's only by doing the Work of the path it points toward will you learn. When you don't do this Work, you are only trained; no thought is required in this training.

4) Freemasonry cannot make you a Master of any Craft. All it can do is bestow titles as participation trophies upon men who show up and go through the motions.

--> It's only by doing the Work of the path it points toward that you can become a Master of the Craft. When you don't do this Work, the title is bestowed upon you and you wear it unmasterfully.

These are but four of the many other limitations that you will encounter in Freemasonry should you take the time to think through what it truly offers to you and its membership.

Here's an article that might assist you further:

Freemasonry vs Masonry





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