Sunday, December 18, 2022

Random Building Thoughts - 2022-12-18


 -------------- WHEN?!?!? --------------

When Mastery Degrades
to Collecting Titles, Jewels and Positions,
Those who Strive for Betterment
shall No Longer Be Attracted.

What is it about your Lodge
that most attracts petitioners?

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------

-------------- SATIRE --------------

Densest Element Added to Periodic Table

Read the Story Here:

 -------------- PROGRESSION --------------

I: When did we become a Craft of Intolerance
of anything except our own opinion.

R: When the first Cowans and Ruffians 
were Allowed to Progress 
based upon unSuitable Proficiency.

(Thanks for the question Bro. Mark Smith)

-------------- FUTURE --------------

 -------------- BUILD! --------------

Ritual Instructs Men
to Divest themselves of Vices and Superfluities,
not Common Sense and Decency.
Use Ritual to Build your Brothers up,
not tear them down.

 -------------- VIEW --------------

How others choose to view you
has more to do with them
than it has to do with you.
How you view yourself
is all about you.

 -------------- STATISTICS --------------

The History Portrayed by Ritual
tells us that 4 out of 5 Ruffians
Amend their Ways.
Let's pray that this Occurs
more Sooner than Later.

 -------------- WORK --------------

Ergophile (ER-go-file) Noun
- A person who has a special love or desire for working.
Forms: ergophilous, ergophilia, ergophily
From Greek ergon 'work' + Greek philos ‘loving.’
Used in a sentence:
"Monday mornings can dampen the enthusiasm of even the most ardent of ergophiles!"

-------------- SNARES --------------

Take Caution with those members
whose hate is so Entrenched
that they can't see
their own Duplicities
or Accept their Hurtful Flaws.
Learn how to Avoid their Harmful Snares.

 -------------- 80 PERCENT YOU CAN --------------

The 10 to 20% of your life
that you cannot control
should never convince you to irresponsibly dismiss
the other 80 to 90% that you can.


 -------------- BASED UPON ACTIONS --------------

If you go by how many Brothers Act,
you'll soon come to Believe that to be a Progressive Science,
Freemasonry must Maintain its Status Quo,
and you shall vigilantly Defend this Belief unto your Death.

(Thanks for the whisper Bro. Karsten Borke!)

-------------- PHILOSOPHY --------------

-------------- ACT! --------------


If you can't Be a Good Mason,
at least make an Effort to Act like One!

 -------------- BOOK REVIEW --------------


"Brother Nagy,
you continue to amaze with your
uncommon look at our fraternity.
Your latest work,
"The Craft Unmasked"
is deeply informative,
and inspiring to those who have found themselves adrift
upon an expansive sea of Masonic myth
without a compass to guide them
past that proverbial rock, and a hard place."

"Firmitas, Utilitas, Venustas"

Bro. Josh Piece, PM
Kelly Lodge 1131
Found Here:

   -------------- GRAMMAR BONUS --------------

 -------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!

-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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