Sunday, July 2, 2023

Random Building Thoughts - 2023-07-02


-------------- TRANSFORMATION --------------  
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------

-------------- VALUE ASSESSMENT --------------  
When you want to quickly assess a Lodge's overall Value, look at what it does for its Members.
Does it...
1) Assist each of them toward Creating Abundance for themselves rather than restrict abundance flow toward the organization alone?
2) Inspire each of them toward Betterment rather than engage them in superfluous tasks that will never lead them toward betterment?
3) Attract others who aspire toward Mastery rather than Title?
4) Do all of this and do so without placing any undue Burden upon any one member?
How well does your Lodge deliver?
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

Identify the year (or general decade) 
when the "Perfect Ashlar" symbol 
was first reported
 to be added to 
Freemasonic Rituals, Lectures and Catechisms.
BONUS: What Ashlar did it replace?

Enjoy the rabbit chase...

For Further Light:
Perfect Ashlar!

-------------- WHAT'S UNDERSTOOD --------------  
 and Recognizing any Possible 
Misunderstandings of my words, 
all that I am Responsible for 
Beyond This
 is Offering Sincere Opportunities 
for Further Clarifications 
to those who Truly Want to Understand 
- and no further effort shall be made 
for those who truly 
do not want to understand.
Some people are heavily invested
 in not understanding! 
Identify them 
and divest yourself 
of any further efforts on your part 
to assist them in their investments. 
-------------- SYMBOLS -------------- 
Lodgerooms are filled 
with Shadows called "Symbols". 
Each member must Seek the Light 
to which they Allude, 
or the Light to which they Allude 
shall Remain Hidden.
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
And some, 
if given half a chance, 
will drag you with them.
-------------- MYTH --------------  

"This feeling of being lonely 
and very temporary visitors in the universe 
is in flat contradiction to everything known about man 
(and all other living organisms) 
in the sciences. 
We do not "come into" this world; 
we come out of it, 
as leaves from a tree. 
As the ocean "waves," the universe "peoples." 
Every individual 
is an expression of the whole realm of nature, 
a unique action of the total universe. 
This fact is rarely,
 if ever, experienced by most individuals. 
Even those who know it to be true in theory 
do not sense or feel it, 
but continue to be aware of themselves 
as isolated "egos" inside bags of skin."
-- Alan Watts 
(The Book - 
On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are)
Yup! The universe peoples!
-------------- UNKNOWING SUPPORT --------------  

If you truly don't know 
what we are truly doing, 
then you're going to 
do and support things 

For Further Light: 
-------------- BOULDERS --------------  

When you're Asked 
to Move the Wheels of Progress forward, 
Make Sure you're not Stuck 
Moving the Boulder of Stupidity.
-------------- FOND MEMORIES --------------  
This is something that I wrote years ago 
for my Coaching clients. 
It was my very first self-published book 
(HUGE learning experience!) 
 I had a bunch printed up at that time 
but I just discovered that
I'm down to my last box. 
 If you're interested, 
you can find it here: 
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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